
Fall TV Preview: Fridays

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Fridays may be the night for going out, but television must go on. So sure, have a social life, just remember to set the DVR so you don’t miss anything.

Human Target

Human Target on FoxThe FOX series Human Target is based on the popular DC Comics comic book and graphic novel about Christopher Chance (Mark Valley), a private contractor and security expert who literally is a bodyguard for hire, integrating himself into the lives of his clients and becoming the target in their place.  He is assisted by his business partner Winston (Chi McBride) and hired gun Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley).

When last we saw Chance and his team, Chance’s former boss had found him and wanted to bring him back into the fold.  In order to do that, he took Winston captive and whisked him away in a helicopter.  Will Chance and Guerrero be able to get him back and stay out of his former boss’s crosshairs?  Will the introduction of Ilsa Pucci (Indira Varma), a recently widowed billionaire who seeks help from Chance after the murder of her philanthropist husband, who ends up offering to be his benefactor and silent owner of his protection agency, make things better or worse?  Or will Ames (Janet Montgomery), a chameleon-like thief who ends up working with the team help or hinder? Tune in to FOX on October 1 at 8/7c to find out. – Rueben