Melissa's Musings

Do You Watch TV When You Travel?

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I was in Boston most of last week, attending a conference for my day job and enjoying being in one of my favorite cities. As I was planning my evenings, I realized that although it might flash in my mind that “oh, The Vampire Diaries is finally back tonight”, by no means was I going to skip shopping downtown or a visit to the art museum to stay in and watch TV. Especially since I knew my DVR would be fully stocked when I got home. (Heaven help us if the DVR didn’t do its job.)

On the other hand, by the time Saturday night rolled around, I was so tired from the week’s activities that it would have been nice if I could access the shows I missed and lounge around the hotel room. Instead I ordered Sherlock Holmes on PPV and ate a bunch of M&Ms.

Are you the same when you travel? Do you opt for seeing the sights versus staying in to watch your favorite shows, or is it important enough to you to watch the shows live that you build your plans around them even when traveling? And why isn’t my in-room Internet access fast enough to watch shows on Hulu or Netflix? Oh right, that would kind of defeat the whole PPV thing, wouldn’t it?

P.S. In case you were wondering, I did watch Evan Lysacek on Dancing With the Stars; I did think he was hot stuff; and I did not watch anyone else.

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