Melissa's Musings

Lamest Commercials of the Season

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Advertisers are constantly trying to come up with the next buzzworthy commercial to promote their product. Few actually hit it, most are just white noise, but now and then there’s a real stinker. Here are few of the most groan-worthy commercials I’ve seen recently. (Yes, despite my love of my DVR, I do still see commercials.)

Boost Mobile – Cannibal: A pig eating ham. Ingesting the flesh of “a fallen comrade”. This is what Boost uses to sell their mobile phones? GROSS. Then again, “gross” seems to be the name of the game for them. Maybe they have a bunch of frat boys running their ad campaign.

Dannon Light & Fit – Sucking: If Dannon wanted to sell yogurt by creating the sound equivalent of nails on a chalkboard, they succeeded. If they wanted to promote stealing their product by showcasing a woman chowing down in the middle of the supermarket, they succeeded.

Taco Bell – Black Jack Taco: It’s like they tried to appeal to every possible demographic by cramming jokes about black sheep, some hot chicks in black leather, a few fluffy black animals, and references to the little black dress in one commercial. Instead it’s a giant mess about a weird-looking taco. Pass. – Who Wants A Deal?: I don’t, I don’t! Not if it means I have to dance around like a cheeseball and pretend to like it. Check out the faces of the actors; you can almost see them thinking, “suck it up, it’s a national commercial and the electric bill is due.”

Healthy Choice – Julia Louis-Dreyfus: This is an example of a premise that probably looked good on paper, but upon execution is just lame. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is funny, yes, and her self-deprecating style of humor could be showcased brilliantly with the right ad campaign, but this isn’t it. Instead, she’s getting paid to constantly dis the idea of being a spokesperson for the product. How is that a positive image? On the other hand, we did get this amusing bit with Jane Lynch. I suppose sitting through several “this job is stupid/you’re a stupid agent” ads were worth the set up for Jane Lynch. Maybe.

Which commercials are making you roll your eyes and scoff, “I could do better than that!” this season?

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