ABC Family
ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas: Day 5
Happy Saturday! It’s Day 5 of the 25 Days of Christmas programming and ABC Family has your holiday viewing scheduled for you. Are you ready?
A collection of three Christmas tales with some of Disney’s favorite characters: “Donald Duck Stuck on Christmas” find Donald’s nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie, wishing for Christmas all year-round! “A Very Goofy Christmas” finds Goofy and Max gearing up for a visit from Santa Claus when neighbor Pete convinces Max that there is no such thing as Santa Claus. “Mickey & Minnie’s Gift of the Magi” takes Mickey and Minnie into O. Henry’s classic tale about a poor boy and girl who seek the perfect gifts to exchange with one another to make the holiday extra special. (Animated) (7:00-8:30 AM ET/PT)
America’s richest kid is back with more fantastic toys and incredible adventures. When Richie Rich’s nasty cousin Reggie Van Dough causes Richie’s sleigh full of orphans’ Christmas gifts to run down pedestrians, attack neighborhood homes and fly past the orphanage, Richie (David Gallagher) wishes he was never born. But he gets more than he bargained for when Professor Keanbean (Eugene Levy) invents a wishing machine that magically transports Richie to an alternate universe where Reggie rules with an iron fist, Richie’s personal valet Cadbury is a heavy-metal roadie, his robot-servant Irona is a fire-breathing cyborg and Richie’s loveable dog Dollar is forlorn. Through an action-packed chase and museum heist, Richie and his friends race against time to outwit Reggie and find the wishing machine so Richie can return to reality and save Christmas. (Live Action) (8:30-10:30 AM ET/PT)
Christmas chaos ensues for the Bannister family when they adopt a misguided guard dog, Zeus (voiced by Mario Lopez), to try and keep their home safe from neighborhood prowlers. Although he is a loveable pooch, the Bannister’s quickly discover Zeus is not your typical guard dog. The family takes a liking to Zeus, but heads to Grandma’s house for a Christmas visit discouraged. While away, two inept thieves (Dean Cain, Joey Diaz) break into the Bannister’s home. Chaos turns to comedy when Zeus realizes his true guard dog potential and attempts to outwit the intruders – beating them at their own game. Zeus undoubtedly rises to the occasion when it matters most, but can he save Christmas and ultimately earn his place within the Bannister family? (Live Action) (10:30 AM-12:30 PM ET/PT)
HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S STONE – (*See Friday, December 4, for description.) (12:30-4:00 PM ET/PT)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened! Harry Potter’s adventures continue in this second installment of the “Harry Potter” film series. After a horrid summer with the Dursleys and a harrowing return trip to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) begins his second year studying the magic arts. But a long-buried secret threatens the school and all its students. Something evil whispers from within the walls – and only Harry can hear it. Now it’s up to Harry and his friends Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) to defeat an awakened monster. (Live Action) (4:00-8:00 PM ET/PT)
The magic and excitement are back with Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends as they prepare for their third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! While on summer break, Harry inadvertently causes some magical mischief while staying with his dreaded Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. Fearing punishment for performing magic in the world of the Muggles, Harry attempts to runaway but is mysteriously rescued from the neighborhood and taken to a friendly inn – by way of a purple tripledecker bus – to spend the remaining weeks of summer. He soon learns the reason for being let off easy by school officials: Sirius Black – a convict from the Prison of Azkaban – is on the loose and after Harry. Once again, it’s up to Harry, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) to save the school and the day! (Live Action) (8:00-11:00 PM ET/PT)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
In the third installment of the “Home Alone” series, Alex Pruitt (Alex D. Linz) has to use his quick wit to fight off the bad guys after a mix up at the airport baggage claim puts him in possession of a remote control car that turns out to be a decoy containing a stolen top secret Air Force microchip. When the bad guys learn that the microchip is in Alex’s neighborhood, they start ransacking homes in search of it. When Alex realizes his house is next, he prepares for their visit with a string of creative traps to stop them once and for all. Not only does Alex have to save his family but now it’s an issue of national security! (Live Action) (11:00 PM – 1:00 AM ET/PT)
Check back here tomorrow morning for your Sunday listing!
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