Melissa's Musings

Preparing for My Long Winter’s Nap…

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I wish. In reality I’m preparing for 10 days off work. Normally that time is spent sleeping late, catching up on TV, cleaning out a closet or a junk drawer, oh, and a day or two of celebration with family and friends. This year I’ll get the celebration in, and maybe get to sleep late once, but I have a feeling the DVR, and the junk drawers, will be just as cluttered come New Year’s thanks to traveling and family commitments. That’s alright though, because we’ll still have most of January without new TV so I can catch up…oh wait, no, the networks are conspiring against me there, too.

After barely catching our breath from a whirlwind fall season, midseason for this Nice Girl starts up January 6 when Ugly Betty moves to it’s new timeslot at 10/9c on Wednesdays. Dollhouse returns for it’s last few episodes on January 9, then January 10 Chuck‘s third season debuts with a 2-night, 3-hour extravaganza. I’ve had a chance to preview the first 5 episodes, and they are fantastic! (Watch for my advance review closer to the premiere.) Not to be outdone, Fox moved the next new episode of House up a couple of weeks to January 11 to compete with Chuck, following it with an unaired episode of Fringe from season 1. Leverage kicks off its winter season on January 13, then Bones and The Mentalist return January 14. And that’s just the first two weeks of the year. Being a fan of good TV is exhausting!

(Need to fill out your midseason calendar? Check out Rueben’s list of dates that matter.)

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