TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Monday, October 5

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It’s really starting to feel like autumn around here. The air is growing chillier, the leaves are turning, and our TVs are humming. Here’s what the Nice Girls are watching tonight.

Gossip Girl – the CW 9/8c
“Dan de Fleurette” –  It’s the first day of school at Constance Billard which means it’s also time for Jenny to take her rightful place as the new Queen Bee. Unfortunately for Jenny, Blair is more than happy to intervene when news reaches her that she may be needed back at Constance. Meanwhile, Lily returns home to Rufus and her family to find that things are definitely not as she left them. Plus, a famous movie actress, Olivia Burke (Hilary Duff), enrolls at NYU in hopes of having a somewhat normal college experience, and is assigned to be Vanessa’s roommate. Guest star Tyra Banks appears as Ursula, an actress co-starring in Olivia’s movie and someone who Serena befriends.

Castle – ABC 10/9c
“Inventing the Girl” – Castle and Beckett get an inside look at the cutthroat world of the New York fashion industry when they investigate the brutal murder of a young model during Fashion Week.

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