Melissa's Musings

Writer’s Block: How Did Carrie Bradshaw Do It?

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You know, when writing an article means reviewing a show or commenting on someone else’s interview or simply talking about the latest TV news, that doesn’t phase me. OK, the reviewing kind of does, but I’m starting to get the hang of it. Watch for my reviews of Lifetime’s Killer Hair and SyFy’s Warehouse 13, coming soon! [/shameless plug] When it comes to writing a personal column, though, I struggle. What do I have to say about television and/or life that’s at all interesting?

Here’s a glimpse of my week since last Monday when I revealed my secret addiction to reruns of The Nanny and Less Than Perfect: cook dinner for 10 people; yoga; participate in Chuck Me Mondays. Tuesday: Work; mow the lawn; watch The Closer from night before; make cold supper because gas stove won’t turn on. Wednesday: Work; cook dinner in crock pot because gas stove is still not fixed; workout; watch Killer Hair screener. Thursday: Work; NGTV Radio; get takeout because gas stove is still not fixed; skip Burn Notice & Royal Pains so I can watch Warehouse 13 screener in prep for conference call next day. Friday: Work; True Blood Radio; conference call for Warehouse 13 which was so packed I did not get to ask my questions; finally cook supper on own stove. Saturday – Sunday: take care of 7 nieces and nephews while their parents are out of town; collapse.

Other than the saga of the gas stove, I have no idea what to pull from last week to write about this week. And that saga isn’t all that interesting. I still haven’t watched Burn Notice or Royal Pains, although I now have the theme from Polar Express stuck in my head thanks to the nieces & nephews watching it 3 times in 36 hours. Then they switched to That’s So The Suite Life of Hannah Montana, or something. I kind of wished they’d put Polar Express back on, but then I made them go outside and jump on the trampoline instead. I’m such a mean aunt.

And there you have it, the totally glamorous and column-worthy life of a Nice Girl. I guess I did have a column in me after all.

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