Louise's Lounge

When TV Helps Philantrophy

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On Saturday afternoon, one of my friends and I made a sojourn to Santa Monica to take part in The Rescue, an event put on by Invisible Children, to help raise awareness of the longest war in Africa and its effects on many children. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have known anything about Invisible Children, but Veronica Mars and the stars are responsible for knowing more.

Invisible Children was not only a focus of an episode of the show, but many of the cast are involved (in fact, Ryan Hansen has a very personal connection to the organization), not only helping to raise awareness but also giving an event some cache.

Now, the event itself was designed to mimic the LRA camps that many children are forced into and everyone who participated hoped to be rescued by a series of important people–political or cultural.

While my friend and I didn’t stay the whole time, it felt good to know that because of a TV show, I might help thousands of children avoid fighting in a war.

Kudos to the cast, and the show, for bringing the organization to my attention a few years ago, and for still working with them to make a huge difference.

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at roz@nicegirlstv.com.