TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Monday, April 20

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The Nice Girls are still catching up on last week’s TV; we’d better hurry so we can enjoy this week’s goodies! Tonight we’ll be on the edge of our seats for the penultimat episode of Chuck, plus new Gossip Girl and Castle and Bones on a different night.

Chuck – NBC 8/7c
“Chuck vs. the Colonel” – Chuck and Sarah have gone AWOL to rescue Chuck’s dad (aka Scott Bakula), and being out from under constant surveillance leads to some hotness if the previews are any indication!

Gossip Girl – the CW 8/7c
“Seder Anything” – Serena returns from her adventure in Spain, and Blair makes a secret pact with Nate’s grandfather. Nate, meanwhile, uncovers something about the Captain’s arrest, and Dan gets a catering job but is not pleased when he realizes he has to serve his friends during a Seder at the Waldorfs’ place.

Bones – Fox 8/7c – SPECIAL NIGHT
“The Double Death of the Dearly Departed” – Brennan is skeptical when a Jeffersonian colleague supposedly dies of natural causes, and she asks Booth to help her “borrow” the corpse so she determine the real cause of death. Meanwhile, in A Very Special B-Story, Cam has trouble getting through to her newly adopted daughter about the dangers of smoking.

Castle – ABC 10/9c
“Home Is Where The Heart Stops” – When a socialite is savagely murdered during a home invasion, Beckett has to go undercover as Castle’s date at a charity ball to gain access to that world. It didn’t take long for them to play the “we have to fake being a couple” card, did it?

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