Melissa's Musings

Leavin’ On a Jet Plane…

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Ah, airplane food. It may not taste that great, but at least it signifies that you’re going somewhere! As I type this, I’m on a Midwest flight bound for Los Angeles where the Nice Girls will be spending the week covering events at PaleyFest and working on some other goodies to share.

Tonight we will be covering the True Blood panel for and reveling in seeing our favorite humans, vampires, and others on stage along with Alan Ball. Tuesday night we’ll get the latest scoop on Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog (will the sequel be announced?), then we’ll get a second dose of Joss Whedon on Wednesday at the Dollhouse panel. Thursday we get a break, then we finish out the week Friday night with the cast and creative team from The Mentalist. Get the scoop on those panels here at and by following us on Twitter.

In the meantime, be sure to check back tomorrow for our latest giveaway (speaking of jet planes…) and don’t forget to watch Chuck tonight on NBC!

Editor in Chief * Pop Culture Enthusiast * Team Sookie * Team Buffy * Team Veronica * Team Knope *