Melissa's Musings

Playing Catch Up

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As I mentioned last week, I was traveling for work so wasn’t on the NGTV Radio show to talk TV with Louise and BethAnne. My return home on Sunday was greeted by a DVR packed full of shows and an overflowing inbox. Fortunately I was able to catch The Mentalist while on the road, and when I had the chance to hang out with a friend on Saturday evening, we watched a couple of episodes of Lie to Me, which while not Must See TV is a show I do enjoy. That left me with Dollhouse, The Office, 30 Rock, Samantha Who?, In the Motherhood, and Sarah Connor. So far, I’ve made it through Dollhouse and The Office. And another week of TV is starting. Ack!

In other news, I’ll be posting an awesome interview with someone from Bones on Thursday, and our feature with Friday Night Light‘s Stacey Oristano should be going up this week as well. Plus Cupid premieres tomorrow and deserves a feature article all on its own. Oh TV, you really do miss me when I go out of town, don’t you?

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