Melissa's Musings

Comfort TV

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It’s been an interesting weekend. I spent most of Friday night-Sunday afternoon spring cleaning and painting, leaving me sore and exhausted. Then I came down with a mild case of food poisoning that turned my Sunday night-Monday morning into a less-than-enchanting time period. Fortunately, TV was there to soothe my aches, pains and nausea.

Since subscribing to DirecTV in December, I’ve once again been sucked into HGTV, TLC, TNT, TBS, movie reruns, sitcom marathons, and back-to-back episodes of Bones and Law & Order: SVU. I’ve even set the DVR to record Charmed for those times when I need something to watch and nothing else looks good. This weekend I rested my weary self while watching The Holiday and The Last Holiday on TBS, two of my favorite feel-good movies, a couple of episodes of Charmed, some SVU, and the latest Dollhouse.

In fact, I stayed up late on Friday night to watch Dollhouse, despite having just spent 4 hours cleaning and patching holes in the wall for painting the next day. It lived up to expectations, didn’t it? Were you all as OMG WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!? as I was? I mean, I knew Mellie had to be an Active, but I did not see that phone activation/kill the troublemaker scene coming. Nor did I think she and Ballard would actually hook up. And the storyline with Sierra – wow! It makes perfect sense to deal with child molestation issues in the Dollhouse, because as we’ve been told over and over, in their Inactive state, the Dolls are like children. It was just a heavier storyline than we’ve seen so far, perhaps setting us up for more intensity to come? I’m also left questioning Echo’s encounter with Ballard, when she seemingly went off-script to tell him someone in the Dollhouse wanted to help him take it down. The way her programming scene went down – with us seeing Topher design her parameters, his assistant being sent away, Boyd interrupting the programming and distracting Topher – I could believe that there is someone working to bring down the Dollhouse from the inside. And Boyd would be in on it since he’d have been able to see anyone who tampered with Echo’s programming while Topher was distracted. But is that really what happened? Or was it yet another clever scheme to get Ballard to back off? Only time will tell.

I’m set to travel for work (the day job) the rest of this week, so Louise and BethAnn will be handling hosting duties on Nice Girls Radio this week. Be sure to tune in to hear the latest in news, gossip and spoilers about our favorite TV shows. Nice Girls Radio airs Thursdays at 12PM Central on Blog Talk Radio.

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