
NGTV Guide: Friday, January 16

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It’s the end of a long week and the beginning of a long weekend for many of us. AND, tonight marks the third season premiere of Friday Night Lights on NBC! Are you watching? The Nice Girls are.

Friday Night Lights – NBC 9/8c
“I Knew You When” – Brian “Smash” Williams (Gaius Charles) has graduated and the start of the new school year has Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) uncertain about the strength of his team. Matt Saracen�s (Zach Gilford) position as QB1 is in danger when a new freshman star player J.D. McCoy (guest star Jeremy Sumpter) arrives on the scene. Smash continues to deal with his own demons after a season-ending injury causes him to lose his college scholarship. Meanwhile, Tami (Connie Britton) faces stressful challenges as the new principal of Dillon High School. Elsewhere, Tyra (Adrianne Palicki) is encouraged to make a run for student body president.

Psych – USA 10/9c
“Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing” – Shawn and Gus must prove Lassiter’s innocence when he’s on the hook for a murder inside of the SBPD. Be sure to enter our Psych vs. Monk giveaway!

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