Melissa's Musings

Things I Didn’t See Coming: Dexter Marries His Sister

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In this day and age where every aspect of a celebrity’s life is under constant surveillance and photos of celebs at the gas station are considered news, it’s shocking when something as big as a celeb wedding goes undetected. For 10 days. And they play siblings on TV. And yet, Dexter‘s Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter did just that, eloping on New Year’s Eve after secretly dating for a year and a half.

It’s not a show we cover here at NGTV, but Dexter is a series I watch on DVD and I’d heard rumors that the two were dating but their courtship was never part of the gossip blogs or rags. They were so far under the radar, though, that I think even die-hard fans were surprised at this news. Personally, I wouldn’t mind more surprises like that and fewer “Celebs, They’re Just Like Us!” photo spreads. If they were just like us, would grocery shopping land them in a weekly tabloid?

Congratulations, love birds, and may you continue to surprise us!

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