Nice Boy of the Week: Michael Raymond-James

Michael Raymond-James
This week, the Nice Girls voted unanimously for True Blood‘s Michael Raymond-James, who played ‘Rene’ on the show. Coming from the Detroit, MI area, Michael began his career in a student film at the age of 19. From that moment, he was hooked and determined to make this his career. Michael studied at the Lee Strasberg Theater, and worked on stage for a while before landing a role in the Craig Brewer film, Black Snake Moan. After that, the role as Rene in True Blood came along, and the rest is history.
Michael can be seen in upcoming episodes of ER and Life, and he’s also just finished a new pilot for HBO called The Last of the Ninth.
So why was Michael chosen as this week’s Nice Boy? To understand the answer to that question, you really need to listen to this interview here, or read the transcript.
Congratulations, Michael!