
LEVERAGE: The Gimme a K Street Job

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In this week’s Leverage, to take down a competitive cheerleading company that profits by putting teenage girls at risk, the team must tackle its most corrupt foe yet: Congress.

A job over a cheerleading competition, with a very serious accident, nearly killing a girl. Putting Parker in charge of cheerleading teenaged girls is even more hilarious. I do like, in the moment, that Parker realizes that all of the drops she made Hardison do were not making him happy.

So in order for the team to make things right, they have to go to Congress and have Cheerleading declared a legal sport? I don’t know if this makes the student of government in me happy or sad. Let me spend this episode wondering if they get the Bill into Law portion of the episode correct.

Feedback from all of the speakers to stop this congressional session might be my favorite quick stop I’ve seen Hardison do.

JJ LeGrange: I think Leverage just went with some old school political names. I’ll just take my job of knowing Populist leaders and smile.

But that’s not much compared to watching how different politicians avoid the issues (really avoiding the monetary issue here). Sophie’s mark is not interested in corn subsidies. Nate’s just caved with a well-paid lunch. LaGrange sounds far too upstanding for my taste: he really is the last refuge of the Populist ideas.

Laser grids do not reach these cheerleaders.

Right now I feel so bad for Hardison as he tries to navigate all of the budgeting issues. I also feel as bad for Eliot who can’t get LeGrange to want a Senate seat. But our evil couple of evil have some plan, involving playing on his old football days.

Sophie’s not happy to have to grift to get to her Congressmen, having to do way more grifting than she wants. Hardison is annoyed at earmarks. Parker has now lost one of her cheerleaders. Sophie’s now managed to grift her way into what she needed. Hardison may have found his loophole, and Parker’s now found her cheerleader–the one who’s afraid to fail after her other friend’s injury.

Oh so our evil team of evil offered LeGrange the chance to sponsor a scholarship to buy his vote. Wow, I didn’t know that was possible. If our evil team of evil wants to buy the Cheer competition so that she can make more money, I don’t know how the team can speed up for vote to screw the potential owner.

Hardison has found a way to use all of the laws he’s been forced to read about all week. I love that archaic laws can come in handy for our team now.

I highly doubt that our evil team of evil actually purchased Pep in that routine. Unless something really shady went down.

Why do I love that the money for the sale of PEP came from the insurance company and that LeGrange had a bribe too. A Reco charge and the FBI to take down this evil company. I call that a win.

Show, why do you make one of the Congresswomen look like Eda from The Incredibles?

Parker also made a friend out of this con.

What is Nate’s long con right now? Eliot might have part of it, but I’m not even sure.

Roz lives in the Los Angeles area, and has been a long time California girl. Despite her better judgment, she enjoys shows about the shallow sides of her home city, but will also find time to watch iZombie, Jane the Virgin, and much more. With a love of history, she also watches anything that is grounded in real life, including Victoria and black-ish. Having worked with children, she also follows shows she knows they watch (reminding her of those days of yore for her in the process). Contact her at