All posts tagged "SyFy"
Leah | February 21, 2015
HELIX Recap: M. Domestica
I’m filling in for our darling Mynda this week who is a little under the weather. Don’t worry...
Mynda | February 13, 2015
HELIX 2.05 – ‘Oubiette’ Bees are unfun, Immortal Dad’s are worse!
Everyone knew Dr. Sommer wasn’t who he appeared to be and this week our suspicions were confirmed. Kyle...
Leah | February 7, 2015
12 MONKEYS Recap: Atari
2015 Cassy has plotted out possible locations of the night room with red string and post-it notes. So...
Mynda | February 6, 2015
HELIX 2.04 – ‘Densho’ Mayberry, bumblebees & heart shaped pancakes
There’s something fishy going on with the bees on St. Germaine. Travis proves it later when he gets...
Rueben | February 6, 2015
Here are the casting couch features for this past week: Actors Lee Tergesen (Oz) and Conrad Coates (The...
Leah | February 6, 2015
12 MONKEYS “Atari” Sneak Peek
All new 12 Monkeys tonight (yay!) and our friends over at Syfy have sent us a clip from...
Mynda | February 5, 2015
HELIX Sneak Peek Mashup Genius! Hatake goes to Mayberry!
Helix has been known for it’s wonderful musical pairings since the series began. The trend is taken to...
Leah | January 31, 2015
12 MONKEYS Recap: Cassandra Complex
12 Monkeys is a crazy trip and I am not sure how to recap this episode except to...
Mynda | January 30, 2015
Helix 2.03 – ‘Scion’ Worst Family Reunion EVER.
This episode it became crystal clear that on St. Germaine everyone has their own agenda no matter what...
Leah | January 30, 2015
12 MONKEYS “Cassandra Complex” Sneak Peek
On an all new 12 Monkey’s tonight Cole’s mission leads him to a dangerous outbreak in Haiti in...