All posts tagged "SyFy"
Leah | August 28, 2015
DARK MATTER: Season Finale – Photos
It’s Friday and Syfy’s series Dark Matter is ending it’s freshman run tonight with not one but two...
Mynda | August 27, 2015
DOMINION 2.08 – ‘The Longest Mile Home’ Julian’s Deception & Gabriel’s Orgy!
Alex and Noma are under attack at the Eight-Ball Mart and are weaponless other than double a batteries...
Rueben | August 25, 2015
What to Look Forward to on TV in September
September is always a big month for those of us more inclined to watch lots of television than...
Mynda | August 21, 2015
KILLJOYS Season Finale! ‘Escape Velocity’ The Agony of A Cliffhanger!
Terrorists posing as Monks attack Westerlyn and Alvis is arrested. The trio brainstorms on how to release their...
Mynda | August 21, 2015
DEFIANCE 2.11 – ‘The Awakening’ The Food Fights Back!
Doc Yewll and her Control Stem are at it again as she gathers more food for the Omec’s....
Mynda | August 21, 2015
KILLJOYS Season Finale Sneak Peek! What is Red 17 & Why is D’avin Bleeding?
“This is it. One last play. We win here or I loose for good.” Our trio faces it’s...
Mynda | August 20, 2015
DOMINION 2.07 – ‘Lay Thee Before Kings’ Brilliant Retellings & Gabriel’s Excruciating Journey
Gabriel and Michael are in the worst game of Operation EVER! Only difference is, the electricity is deadly...
Mynda | August 14, 2015
Killjoys 1.10 – ‘Enemy Khlyen’ LEVEL FREAKING SIX!
The trio continues to operate apart. Dutch pays D’avin a visit in his new pad at the bar...
Mynda | August 14, 2015
DEFIANCE 3.10 – ‘Of A Demon In My View’ Kindzi Eats Our Hearts Out!
Berlin finds a rattled Irisa in the remnants of the VC Convoy and isn’t happy about it. You...
Mynda | August 13, 2015
DOMINION 2.06 – “Reap the Whirlwind” Noma’s Sacrifice
Daddy Whele did it now! The city is divided and Claire is playing catch-up with Gates and Arkia...