All posts tagged "Haven"
Leah | September 15, 2014
HAVEN: A Chat with Emily Rose & Lucas Bryant
The Syfy original series Haven has started off the Fall TV Season and if you aren’t watching, well...
Leah | September 10, 2014
HAVEN “See No Evil” Season 5 Photos and Video
Syfy’s original series Haven is back this Thursday September 11th and what a great way to kick off...
Rueben | August 31, 2014
September TV Calendar
The following list provides the dates of the returning cable and major network dramas as well as new...
Rueben | August 26, 2014
What to Expect on TV in September
Can you believe that the fall TV season is nearly here? It’s hard to comprehend that summer is...
Leah | January 28, 2014
HAVEN Renewed in a Big Way
Fans of the Syfy original series Haven can finally let out the breath they have been holding. Syfy...
Leah | December 12, 2013
HAVEN Sneak Peeks and Video Clips
Season Four of the Syfy Original Haven is coming to a close this Friday. If you were crazy...
Leah | December 4, 2013
HAVEN Sneak Peeks & Video Clips
The Syfy original show Haven is getting ready to wrap up it’s fourth season with a two part...
Leah | November 20, 2013
HAVEN Sneak Peeks and Video Clips
Brand new Haven this week and thanks to Syfy we have a sneak peek of the episode along with...
Leah | November 13, 2013
HAVEN Sneak Peek and Video Clips
New week new awesome Haven content from our friends over at Syfy. Be sure to watch this weeks...
Rueben | November 8, 2013
This week the casting couch features the following actors who will guest star in a sci-fi favorite, a...