All posts tagged "Haven"
Liz | November 25, 2014
2014 Holiday Gift Guide
Ho-ho-ho! The holiday season is upon us and this Friday kicks off the mad dash for gifts. Shops...
Leah | November 7, 2014
Haven: Chat with Laura Mennel Matthew Mcguiness & Gabrielle Stanton
Syfy’s original series Haven is adding Laura Mennell to the fold and we had the supreme pleasure of...
Leah | October 31, 2014
HAVEN Exposure Sneak Peek & Video Clip
It’s Friday which means we have a sneak peek of tonight’s all new episode of Haven along with...
Leah | October 24, 2014
HAVEN “Nowhere Man” Sneak Peek and Video Clips
It’s Friday! And that can only mean one thing – the Syfy Original Series Haven is all new....
Liz | October 17, 2014
Sneak Peek for Tonight’s HAVEN [Video]
Tonight on Haven, as Mara continues to wreak havoc, Duke and Nation devise a plan to stop her...
Leah | October 10, 2014
HAVEN The Old Switcheroo Part 1 Sneak Peek and Video Clips
The Syfy original show Haven has moved to Friday’s and you won’t want to miss tonight’s all new...
Rueben | October 9, 2014
HAVEN: Schedule Change Again
Attention Havenites! If you are looking for Haven to be airing on Syfy right now, you won’t find...
Leah | October 2, 2014
HAVEN: Much Ado About Mara Sneak Peek and Video Clips
It’s Thursday and we all know what that means, right? Haven goodies from the lovely people over at...
Leah | September 25, 2014
HAVEN: Video Clips and Sneak Peek “Spotlight”
Haven is all new tonight and that means we have a sneak peek at the episode “Spotlight”. In...
Leah | September 18, 2014
HAVEN: “Speak No Evil” Sneak Peek and Video Clips
Haven is all new tonight and the good people over at Syfy have sent us a sneak peek...