All posts tagged "Doctor Who"
Melissa | July 13, 2011
BBC to Offer TV Shows to Rent on Facebook
Looks like Facebook has entered the streaming video game: beginning today, Doctor Who fans can rent episode collections...
Rueben | July 12, 2011
My Dream Emmy Ballot for 2010-2011
Every year at this time Emmy nominations are announced (this year they will be announced on July 14)...
Rueben | April 20, 2011
WonderCon Coverage: Enter the World of Doctor Who
WonderCon, the yearly convention held in San Francisco honoring the world of sci-fi and fantasy, was held over...
Rueben | November 16, 2010
My 2010 Hot List
The current issue of TV Guide highlights the “2010 Hot List” – the shows, characters, themes and story...
Melissa | June 23, 2010
BBC America Announces Comic Con Panels
Following Fox’s lead, BBC America has released their Comic Con plans complete with dates, times and locations. They’re...
Rueben | April 20, 2010
The New Amazing Doctor Who
Watching the BBC America special The Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who in preparation for the season premiere of...
Rueben | December 8, 2009
What Is A Winning TV Formula
Over the decades since television was invented, creative people have been working on a winning TV formula. In...
Roz | August 11, 2009
Torchwood and Doctor Who Come To Comic Con
In a very small press room on Saturday afternoon, I was privileged enough to talk with Russell T....