All posts tagged "Doctor Who"
Roz | October 8, 2018
DOCTOR WHO: The Woman Who Fell to Earth {Roundtable}
Nice Girls Cara, Karen and Roz dig into the new season of Doctor Who.
Rueben | September 25, 2018
My Top 13 Choices for October TV
Fall TV may have officially just gotten started last night on the major networks, but October TV will...
Rueben | August 21, 2018
Did You Know: TV and Movie Trivia
It’s been a few months since I posted the last “Did You Know” article, and now seemed like...
Rueben | July 24, 2018
Comic Con 2018 Aftermath
San Diego Comic Con 2018 has come to an end and like every year for the past 17...
Rueben | July 17, 2018
San Diego Comic Con 2018: Watching From the Sidelines
San Diego Comic Con 2018 gets underway tomorrow evening with preview night followed by four full days of...
Rueben | March 20, 2018
Throwback Tuesday: What Is A Winning TV Formula
Back in December of 2009, I wrote a column focusing on what is a winning TV formula; and...
Ange | October 3, 2017
OZ COMIC-CON Sydney Panel Photos
And just like that, Oz Comic-Con is done and dusted for another year having wrapped up its final...
Ange | September 24, 2017
OZ COMIC-CON Sydney 2017: Guests we’re looking forward to seeing
Over the weekend, Oz Comic-Con had its penultimate event for the year up in Brisbane and is closing...
Cara | July 31, 2017
Why are we so surprised that the Doctor will be a woman?
Since the announcement that Jodie Whittaker would be the new Doctor on Doctor Who, there has been an...
Rueben | November 26, 2016
December TV Calendar
The following list provides the dates of the returning cable network dramas, the new streaming dramas that will...