All posts by Leah
Leah | April 18, 2012
NEW GIRL Recap: There could be an Indian in the Cupboard
I have a confession…I’m a ‘shipper. I love TV couples. Couples that should be together, couples that are...
Leah | April 12, 2012
Breaking In pulled from Fox lineup
Fox has decided to pull Breaking In from its lineup, again. The most recent episode had fewer than 3 million...
Leah | April 12, 2012
SUBURGATORY Recap: Downtime and How to Deal
SUBURGATORY is back and I could not be happier. How I’ve missed this show, case in point, SUBURGATORY...
Leah | April 11, 2012
New Girl Recap: True Americans
I love love love when sitcoms make up games. Whether it is Marshgammon on How I Met Your...
Leah | April 4, 2012
BREAKING IN Recap: Cyrano de Nerdgerac
8:49AM Someone is setting a perfect desk. Oatmeal with a face made out of fruit, croissants, a poached...
Leah | April 4, 2012
NEW GIRL Recap: The Spilling of the Secrets
I know this episode was mainly about Cece and Schmitt’s secret coming out but really, it was Winston’s...
Leah | March 30, 2012
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Recap: The Cursed and The Damned
I’m filling in for Lisa this week so bear with me… To recap last week: Ric is a...
Leah | March 28, 2012
BREAKING IN Recap: The office party and the sandwich girl
Well folks, this is the first episode of the truly new Breaking In. There was a new opening...
Leah | March 28, 2012
NEW GIRL Recap: Nick’s a Fancyman too
We open on Jess walking in on a guy urinating in the loft bathroom. Which is fine and...
Leah | March 22, 2012
NEW GIRL: Reno 911 Vet Moving In
Thomas Lennon, best known for his role as Lt. Dangle on Reno 911, will play a potential new...