TAKE TWO: Thoughts on “All About Ava”
On TAKE TWO this week, Sam takes a trip down memory lane when her and Eddie’s latest case involves the accidental death of ’90s sitcom star, Ava Day, who a 12-year-old Sam starred alongside in her acting debut. However the investigation reveals some dark truths that will have Sam re-evaluating her childhood memories. Here’s what we thought about this latest episode…
Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good Loved that we got a look into Sam’s past, delving into the humble beginnings of her acting career but also that the episode acknowledged her acting future (at least for the time being). The premise of the show was that she was shadowing Eddie for a role that didn’t end up working out in the end and while it’s great to see her team up with Eddie and prove that she’s a valuable asset, I like that the show addressed whether or not she wanted to be back in the game just yet. As always, I also loved the Berto and Monica stuff – particularly cute that Berto is still a fanboy of Sam’s old show!
The Bad Ugh the background music, still don’t love it. I also totally called it was going to be the EP who was involved in Ava’s death so a little predictable there.
Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good I’m all for Sam’s backstory – especially to see a young Sam working on her first big break. It’s also really cute to see more of Berto and Monica as they sort of fanboy/fangirl “All About Ava”.
The Bad Potential suicides are never good, but I feel like this one was overdone. Corey’s use of pills seems in poor taste at a point.
Leah’s Thoughts:
The Good I was sure this was going to be a sexual assault of some type. When it turned out to be a car crash/hit and run I was surprised (even though it’s already been done). I also agree with Roz – loved seeing young Sam.
The Bad Anything I would have for “bad” would be nitpicking.
Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good I have to agree with Roz that it was nice to get a little more backstory on Sam something other than her recent past dealing – not all so well at first – with her addictions. I was also pleased to see Paul Campbell in the episode (he was the victim’s husband – he is a BSG alum and it’s just great how the show keeps getting cool sci-fi folks to guest star). Also, did anyone notice at about the 47 minute mark that during a pan of the city there was a clear billboard advertising The Rookie before it jumped to the rest of the story? Ironic?!
The Bad I was a little bored until about halfway through the episode, sadly. The episode was a little too predictable for me this time, and like Roz said Corey’s attempted OD was in poor taste. It was also disturbing that the EP/creator of the fictional show was the culprit.
TAKE TWO airs Thursday 10/9c on ABC