Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “Watchdogs”
Mack tried to reconnect with his younger brother (Ruben), despite being called away repeatedly to help Daisy investigate an anti-Inhuman group, the Watchdogs. Daisy pushed the boundaries in order to get information from members of the group. Coulson took a nervous looking Lincoln on a mission after reading Lincoln’s evaluation. He wanted to make sure Lincoln would follow orders when it counted. Lincoln passed the test. May and Jemma talked about Andrew – Jemma thinks an antidote could work on Andrew since his transformation wasn’t final, but May didn’t want to hope. The Watchdogs mistakenly believed Mack was Inhuman and went after him (and Ruben). Mack got them out alive, but was injured in the process.
1. Was Mack’s back story satisfying to you? Did you feel Ruben finally knowing the truth about Mack’s life was the resolution they needed?
Rueben: It was interesting to see his home and to meet his brother, but I’m not sure if it was fully satisfying or not because they spent more time arguing and then defending themselves against the Watchdogs than anything. I’m sure in the long run his brother knowing the truth will help in their relationship; but I have my doubts about his brother.
Roz: I think it worked well. I was so glad to see Gaius Charles back on my TV again (though he’s been on a bunch of stuff this month I feel), but that scene when Ruben finally found out hurt so much. It was sad that they finally had to be honest in moments of surprise.
Liz: I’m glad Mack was able to make his brother see that he’s the good guy, in the end.
Jan: I think the brothers got what they needed, much of it thanks to Daisy answering Ruben’s questions. I’m curious if we will be seeing Ruben again, given Daisy’s invitation. It seemed he saw his brother in a new light, though.
2. Did you think Daisy’s tactics (which Mack seemed to disapprove of) were out of line, or was it called for in that situation?
Rueben: I can understand Mack’s disapproval of Daisy’s tactics because they are/were harsh, but they were also necessary. Given the situation they were in she did what she felt she had to do. That being said, though, she brought the Watchdogs to Mack’s door thinking he was the Inhuman so did it really pay off in the end?
Roz: It rings too on the nose for what SHIELD does versus what HYDRA does. But given that Captain America 3 is also about that visible vs invisible help I suppose that this really does tie into that movie well enough.
Liz: While I understand why Daisy used the Force against the Watchdogs, I can see Mack’s point of view as well. Showing them that they have every reason to fear Inhumans won’t help people to accept them any better. Using fear to fight fear never ends well.
Jan: She got what she was after, but she was a little out of control. Fitz looked like he was going to be ill, being a part of it. I won’t be surprised if this type of decision on her part will be an issue in the future.
3. Coulson is savvy when it comes to his team. Was he testing Lincoln’s dedication or using it as a means of bringing Lincoln further onboard?
Rueben: I think he was doing a little of both actually because he needs to know where Lincoln’s loyalties lie and just how far Lincoln will go to prove he is part of the team.
Roz: A little of both, it appears. But when trying to appease your boss, there’s gotta be some give and take.
Liz: I think he needed to see if Lincoln would make a good SHIELD agent. It’s like he told Lincoln, he knows what he already has in the others, but Lincoln was still unknown to Coulson. He had to see what he was made of.
Jan: This whole “mission” had me curious from the beginning. I do believe Coulson was testing Lincoln, but maybe he also intended to push him to finally go all in as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and not just along for the ride.
4. Interesting to see that May is still actively searching for Andrew and Simmons is tortured over having let him go. Foreshadowing a return of Lash?
Rueben: She wouldn’t be May if she wasn’t looking for him, right? It is unfinished business and given what Lash can do, she knows she needs to stop him. I totally think that Lash will be back one way or another and it’s just a matter of how they will take him down for good.
Roz: Odds are that Lash is coming back, but that’s cool for me. May’s always dogged.
Liz: Definitely. The only question will be, will Lash help or hurt SHIELD. Personally, I believe Lash knows what Ward/Hive is and the destruction he causes. I’m wondering if killing all those Inhumans was because of the fact that the Hive can assume any identity, and you won’t know who he is until it’s too late. Better to kill all Inhumans than to take the chance on the Hive gaining power. Sadly, it didn’t work, so it will be interesting to see what his next move will be, once he finds out the Hive’s new identity.
Jan: Gosh, I really hope he comes back. I would love for Blair Underwood to return. His story is unfinished, for Andrew/Lash as well as for May (and even Jemma, who is harboring guilt for letting him go).
5. What was your favorite scene in this episode?
Rueben: It was a small scene, but hearing Ruben call his brother Alfie, seeing Daisy’s reaction and her response – priceless!
Roz: Watching the Macks work on the Watchdogs in their house. Great bonding and brotherly bonding, with only a little blood.
Liz: I think it was when Daisy found out that Rubin calls Mack “Alfie”. You know she’s going to use that at some point. LOL!
Jan: I liked Daisy’s conversation with Ruben. She answered all the questions for him that his brother hadn’t been able to bring himself to do. You could see Ruben’s pride in his brother.
6. Was there an MVP in “Watchdogs”?
Rueben: I’d say the MVP has to go to Mack because of what he did to save himself and his brother against the Watchdogs.
Roz: Mack for sure. Rueben has it right when it comes to how he saved himself and his brother.
Jan: I’m also going to go with Mack. He was trying to do his job and be there for his brother at the same time. Then he kept them both alive, despite being a “mechanic”. Mack can be pretty badass when the situation calls for it.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.
Photos courtesy ABC/Kelsey McNeal