DOMINION 2.07 – ‘Lay Thee Before Kings’ Brilliant Retellings & Gabriel’s Excruciating Journey
Gabriel and Michael are in the worst game of Operation EVER! Only difference is, the electricity is deadly and each must work together to save the other! Julian has a plan and can’t wait to spill! When the survivor of the two is weak enough, they Dyad plans to move right in!
As the two angels exchange pain, they relive old wounds much to our delight! In this flashback we get to see the “real” story behind David and Goliath. Once again Gabriel’s animosity toward Michael is well justified. Our dark angel was clearly a big fat jerk!
The two brothers bicker back and forth just like our own families. Gabriel tires of the banter and turns the tide to release Michael while sacrificing himself! My poor heart can’t take much more and those few moments were truly terrifying! I cannot believe Gabriel how just took up residence in my heart! When, how, did that happen? Can I choose to love them both?
Alex awakes and it looks like his tattoos did as well! Hallelujah! Noma gets visited by a Magic Django who demands she take the Chosen One East! The pair need supplies and get the pleasure of shopping at Finns 8 Ball Supermarket! Beep, Beep, BEEEEP! Sadly, they should have asked for paper on the check-out, and the battle is on! Thank God Noma bought the hair brush!
The two barely survive and Noma falls into despair over her loss. We all cried with her and Alex, bless his heart, knew exactly what to say. Adorable! The respite didn’t last long and a new threat emerges! Will they both survive?
Julian continues his temptation of Riesen for possession in exchange for the location of the Emphora. The good General continues to hold strong right up until he is reunited with his former fallen, Clementine who possessed his wife. What will Riesen choose?
Gates and Clare’s canoodling is interrupted by murder. Zoe and the rebels are taking no prisoners and a face off between the two ladies is arranged. Sadly their convo was rudely interrupted when a sniper appears wounding Claire in the process!
We all knew it could happen, and yes, on Dominion the worst occurs every damn time. Claire lost the baby. However, I flet Arika was the one most devastated.
• Did you notice Julian’s feather necklace? We all need talismans in remembrance of better days.
• “Loosing is part of winning. Every time you fail, you are better for it.” Love the life lessons Gabriel!
• Brilliant retelling of David and Goliath! “War is coming poppet. Tomorrow you need to be brave.”