Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtable: “Afterlife”
Skye wakes up in paradise. At least it looks like paradise, but even paradise is bound to have a few issues. When she asks to contact her friends she is met with resistance. Skye also has a new guide to help her adjust, but is unaware that it is her long believed to be dead mother. Bobbi and Mack try to persuade Jemma and Fitz to help open Fury’s toolbox, and it seems they succeed. Things aren’t always what they seem, though, and they should learn to never underestimate Jemma. Before it’s over, Fitz is out the door a free man with the real toolbox in his possession. May is still held prisoner by Gonzales, but he has a new approach to win her over – convince her that if she’s on his board she can help Coulson when he is inevitably captured. When he makes this offer, however, he’s unaware that Coulson and Hunter have reinforcements (namely, super soldier Mike). Coulson is slowly regrouping.
1. Jemma pulled another big move this week, fooling both Bobbi and Mack. Did you see it coming? Which was more entertaining, the reveal of her deception or she and Fitz thinking as a team again?
Louise: I didn’t see it coming, but I’m so so happy it did happen. One of the emotional centers of the show has always been FitzSimmons and to see them working as a team again – especially after what happened last season – is great.
Leah: I wondered why Jemma was speaking so pointedly to Fitz in the lab and I’m glad it turned out to be because they were colluding. Them working as a team was awesome.
Rueben: Yes, I saw Jemma’s trick coming. I wasn’t sure how it was going to happen, but I knew she was going to do some kind of bait and switch, getting that “box” outside of SHIELD with Fitz one way or another. I loved that they were working as a team again. It’s about damn time.
Liz: I did NOT see that coming and I was so happy! Those two seem to be back to the way they were only on steroids. Like all they have been through separately and together have made this new team that is surprising and awesome.
Jan: I was totally surprised by the reveal at the end when Fitz pulled out the real “Fury’s Toolbox” and note from Jemma. She has really mastered the art of deception. I’m a little surprised Bobbi has fallen for her scams twice though. Something tells me she won’t be so trusting of Jemma in the future.
2. Skye is in Inhuman’s paradise, but it has the feel of a prison in a very aesthetically pleasing setting. What did you think of the “Afterlife” community? Would you have envisioned it as the place Gordon was taking his charges?
Louise: That community’s a little on the creepy side, let’s be honest. Too much of a good thing makes me uneasy always. It seems like as good a place as any to take Inhumans, but it does change my perception of Gordon.
Leah: Not what I envisioned and I suppose if you were born and raised to maybe be chosen someday it seems like a great place. However as someone whose lived a life not designed for that I would find it completely disturbing.
Rueben: The whole community was too good to be true, and I think part of Skye realizes that. I certainly wasn’t expecting it to look that grand and tranquil, but there is trouble underneath it all, and no good will really come of it in my opinion.
Liz: I didn’t get the feeling it was like a prison at all. I believed Lincoln and Jiaying when they told Skye she could leave if she wanted to. I was surprised at the place, but I guess I’m just not seeing what everyone else is. I don’t feel it’s creepy or that it’s a smokescreen covering up something sinister. I think it really is a haven for the Inhumans.
Jan: Something about that place makes me think of “The Stepford Wives,” everyone telling you how wonderful it is but if you ask too many questions a more rigid force is revealed. Skye’s request to contact her friends were met with evasive responsens, no one intends to let her talk to anyone outside.
3. Skye’s mother is back, yet Cal didn’t seem surprised to see her. Any ideas as to how that is possible? She survived being taken apart and was somehow put together again?
Louise: I think Whitehall wanted to experiment on her because she either lives forever or can heal, so it’s never really possible to kill her. Maybe she and Wolverine should hang out (if it were possible).
Leah: I’m fuzzy on all of that. I wish I could remember exactly what Skye’s Father said about her Mother in past episodes because I was under the impression he blamed Whitehall for her death. Now here she is. Sure she has a few scars but she appears to be alive. This whole time if they were so truly happy back then and whatnot I don’t understand why they weren’t looking for Skye together. Or how he veered so far off her, “you are beautiful and this is a gift” path.
Rueben: If I hadn’t seen Dichen’s name in the intro, I would have been floored by Skye’s mom being back. Cal did know so that was the surprise in all of it. I can’t even conceive how she is alive again nor do I really want to know how her Frankenstein-like resurrection came about. It gives me the willies.
Liz: I was surprised! That was crazy! However, we still don’t know her ability other than longevity. Cal is a surgeon so it would stands to reason that he put her back together again. Though why the secrecy is a mystery, unless it was for her protection. I still think Cal is a looney tune.
Jan: I have watched over and over trying to figure this one out. I was shocked to see her. My first thought was that it wasn’t really her, perhaps a clone of some sort. The scars on her face, though, make me think it’s really her….she’s so special she was even able to withstand being basically dissected and put back together. I’m not certain that is the case, but right now it’s as good an explanation as I can think of.
4. What was your favorite scene?
Louise: The last scene with Fitz and his sandwich in the cab because of how it showed that FitzSimmons were back on the same page. Plus, adorable!
Leah: I loved how Jemma referred to her and Fitz as a “we” when talking in this episode. They were FitzSimmons again, one entity, and the sandwich in the cab was the best thing…just…ever. I have to give honorable mention to Coulson and Hunter though – those two were pretty funny.
Rueben: I loved the whole bait and switch between Fitz and Simmons, but I have to admit that one small scene between Skye and Lincoln when he was showing her what his power can do. That whole hand holding and levitation bit was pretty darn cool. However, I kept expecting Lincoln (aka Luke Mitchell) to pop in and out of the scenes like his character on The Tomorrow People.
Liz: DEATHLOCK! Oh my gosh, as if Skye’s mother’s return wasn’t shocking enough, Michael/Deathlock ends up being the “backup” that Coulson was referring to in “One Door Closes” (?).
Jan: The reveal that Jemma had totally played Bobbi and Mack in order to get Fitz out of there with the toolbox. Loved Fitz and his sandwich!
5. Who was the MVP of “Afterlife”?
Louise: I’m going to say Jemma just for how she was able to manipulate both Bobbi and Mack, but not Fitz so that they could have a plan of attack for later.
Leah: Jemma and Fitz are my pick. Fitz has been my pick for a few weeks now and having Jemma back on board with him makes it even better.
Rueben: Without question it goes to Jemma with an assist from Fitz. I think the dynamic duo is finally getting back to their pre-accident days. Let’s hope anyway.
Liz: I’m giving this one to Gonzales. He’s doing what it takes to save the SHIELD that he believes in. He and Coulson are working toward the same goal, however Gonzales’s fear of the Inhumans is impairing his vision. I have to admire what he’s willing to sacrifice for what he believes in though.
Jan: Going to have to go with Jemma. She has come through once again when her team needed it most.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on ABC.