Yay! It’s the time of year for Halloween episodes (which happen to be my favorite)!I love the costumes and scary fun! Modern Family never disappoints so let’s get to it!
Cam was decked out in a superman costume (and Mitch referred to him as Super Out of breath…hilarious!) and Lily had the cutest Waldo costume ever! Unfortunately Mitch had to work so he couldn’t join in the fun.
Claire also had to work so Phil was in charge of the Halloween decorations and he was super excited about making the front yard Awesomeland (which was like Candyland on steroids). Claire really wanted to throw a little blood and gore into the decorations but Phil was against it. Claire was on the way to work when her new pot-dealing neighbor, Ronnie, told her about a contest on the block for the scariest house. Then he called her a “soccer Mom” and teased her that she couldn’t handle scary decorations. He really didn’t know who he was dealing with. Claire was all about scary and she wasn’t letting him get away with calling her a “soccer mom.” That was it! Awesomeland was canceled and it was time to put up decorations for an Insane Asylum from Hell! Sorry Phil.
Gloria was dressed up like Princess Fiona from Shrek which meant Jay was going to be Shrek, and he did like that idea. He decided that this year he would go out and get his own costume and decided to be Prince Charming (blond wig and all). Gloria loved seeing Jay so excited about his costume and Jay was just happy he had a head full of hair. He didn’t realize how much he missed his hair until he could run his fingers through it again.
In court Mitch lost the attention of the jury when the stenographer came dressed up like a spider. He was on a losing streak and it looked like he was going for four losses in a row. He requested to the judge that she remove the costume because it was distracting to the jury. The judge asked her to remove the costume but now he was seen as “not fun.” He tried to put on glasses with a fake nose to show his fun side, but it was too late. He lost them.
Lily was upset because Daddy Cam was working too much and she wanted him to be with her. There was a mix up about the Parent/child Halloween parade (Cam never saw the flyer so he didn’t know that their costumes had to match, and he didn’t know that the parade was after school) and Cam wasn’t going to be able to stay for the parade (even though he promised). Lily stormed off because she was sick of Daddy Cam’s football practice and Cam couldn’t find her (you know because she was dressed like Waldo…wink). Cam had a problem finding Waldo throughout the episode.
The pot-dealing neighbors came over to The Dunphy’s and saw how awesome their Insane Asylum was (I loved that Alex was strapped to a gurney with a bedpan full of candy! Claire has a wicked mind!) . Amber (Ronnie’s wife) got really upset and said the decorations were cruel and she ran off. Ronnie told Claire that Amber was sensitive to the subject because she spent time in a “Koo Koo Farm” in Utah. Claire felt so bad about offending Amber she decided they had to shut it down. Insane Asylum out and Phil’s Awesomeland was back in!
Jay and Gloria took Manny and Baby Joe Trick-or-treating. Since it was his last year trick-or-treating, Manny wanted his farewell tour to be great! He was dressed to the nines as Frank Sinatra and he looked so handsome. What a classy kid!
Later that night Claire and Phil went over to Ronnie and Amber’s to apologize and see their house. It was decorated like a Zombie house. Amber admitted that they made up the whole “koo koo house” story so they would win the contest. Scandalous! Claire was furious and said to them in her threatening voice, “there will come a day when you will pay for this. You won’t know when and you won’t know how…but you will feel it!” Now that is what you call scary.
What did you think about the Halloween episode? What was your favorite costume? which decorations did you like the better- Awesomeland or The Insane Asylum? Let me know in the comment section below. Happy Halloween Everyone! Have Fun and Be Safe!
Modern Family airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c on ABC.