DEFIANCE 2.04 – ‘Beasts of Burden’ True Confessions & Stahma’s Revenge
Poor Mayor Pottinger, not only is his transport caravan attacked by armed thieves, he gets peeed on as a bonus. It seems this attack brought back some terrible memories of abuse by Voltan forces. Niles shares this information with Amanda who later shares pain of her own abuse years earlier. The whole thing makes me wonder if we aren’t’ being set up for something further and much darker down the road between the two.
Turns out the attack on the E-Rep Convoy came from Rafe’s Godson Josef who is caught red handed when he stores the stolen goods at McCawley’s home. Nolan is dispatched to find out the truth and knows exactly where to begin. Joshua is prepared to arrest Josef until Rafe pulls the only card available to him in the form of Irisa leading to Josef’s release which turns out to be short-lived.
As a consolation prize Nolan returns the stolen property, however Niles continued to be unsatisfied.
Josef’s stupidity knows no bounds and instead of leaving town as instructed, he captures Berlin which leads to Rafe’s terrible choice. McCawley knows his Godson will never stop and is forced to kill Josef knowing it is the lesser evil compared to what Niles would do given the chance.
Whatever sympathy Datak garnered from me during his incarceration it was vaporized upon his homecoming and subsequent attack on his wife and son. Stahma shows incredible restraint in bearing up under the strain and even attempts a failed bargain with her estranged husband for shared partnership.
Datak continues his campaign of Castithan of the year, when he executes one of his lieutenants for their compliance in being led by Stahma. Matters move from bad to worse when he crushes Rafe’s hand for brining dishonor on the family name. I’m sure after this display of power coupled with his amazing restraint during the E-Reps failed ploy, left Datak feeling invincible.
Datak was so self assured that he never saw his real threat coming in the form of a coup led by Stahma. Yes, Datak you should have made her a partner. I don’t know about you, but seeing Datak in the dirt, just felt plain good.
• Even after an Alien Invasion, vinyl never dies.
• Niles head is gonna explode when he checks his cat clock peeping-tom spy cam!