PSYCH Recap: Dead Air
Some time in the past, Shawn and Gus lived out a dream by guesting on the show of radio personality Crock Pot, whom Shawn refers to as the Howard Stern of radio. It’s a term that makes sense to Shawn, not so much to Juliet. Back in the present day, the boys enjoy a couples lunch with their significant others, Juliet and Rachel. Afterwards, Juliet and Rachel go for a walk by the beach and Rachel reveals that she has to go back to London for six months because of issues with her visa. She doesn’t know how to tell Gus, he’s a bit of a crier. Shawn and Gus, meanwhile, listen to Crock Pot’s radio show and get more than they expected, Crock Pot is murdered while on the air.
As part of their investigation, Shawn tries to take Crock Pot’s place as host of the show, but Gus is the one station owner Miranda Sherrod has her eyes on…in more ways than one. After initially suspecting her as the killer, and Gus having to fend off her advances over dinner in order to question her further, she ends up replacing Shawn. She puts Gus on the air instead, and he becomes “the player named Gus”. Shawn looks peeved, he’s not used to Gus being the center of attention. Listeners seem to love Gus, though, especially one named Laura. She had been a big fan of Crock Pot’s as well. Later that night, as a satisfied Gus leaves the station after a successful show, someone takes a shot at him. If he hadn’t bent down to pick something up, he would have been killed.
Shawn realizes that Gus’ caller Laura is one thing Gus and Crock had in common. Shawn, Lassiter, and Juliet go to her home to interview her, and she tells them about a stalker she has named Bob. It’s interesting that she would have a stalker, as she seems to pretty much fit the definition herself, but she can give them a physical description of the guy. Theorizing that Bob killed Crock so that he would have a chance with the object of his affection, a plan is hatched to catch him. Gus will be the bait…the very reluctant bait. He goes back on the air and flirts with Laura during the show. Rachel is jealous as she looks on, and Miranda’s obvious attraction to Gus is really working her last nerve. The two women end up in a catfight, which Gus hurriedly breaks up before taking a call from an enraged Bob.
Lassiter traces the call from Bob and realizes Gus is the wrong bait. Bob is going after Laura. Juliet searches Laura’s house to make sure everything is secured, but is hit from behind and left unconscious. Shawn arrives, worried that Juliet has sustained brain damage and vowing to take care of her, much to her annoyance. He learns something interesting about Laura as he browses the crime scene. She has enough pharmaceuticals in her home to open her own drug store. Gus identifies them as serious medications, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, etc. Laura should be named Sybil, as she is apparently sporting a number of personalities judging by the number of high powered medications in her possession. Shawn suspects Bob is actually one of Laura’s personalities.
Gus makes nice with Rachel and tries to work things out. They agree to not let the six month separation come between them, they want to be together. They kiss goodbye and she leaves for the airport. Gus barely has the door closed when he hears a knock. Thinking Rachel has returned, he smiles as he opens the door but it’s not her….it’s Bob! He isn’t an alternate personality of Laura’s at all, he’s very real and he has a very real gun.
Lassiter is troubled to learn from Laura’s doctor that she’s been doing very well recently, and hasn’t had an alternate personality surface in two years. Shawn is alarmed to hear this, also, because he hasn’t been able to reach Gus by phone all evening. Shawn, Gus, and Lassie rush to find Gus.
Miranda, never one to take no for an answer, barges into Gus’ apartment with a bottle of wine. She knows Rachel just left and she’s moving in on Gus already. Only, she didn’t expect to find him with a killer’s gun pointed at him. Bob knocks Gus to the floor, and Miranda tries to reason with him. When Lassie knocks on the door it distracts Bob long enough for Gus to jump up and grab the bottle of wine and hit Bob over the head. With the ordeal over and Bob caught, Gus passes out and collapses onto the floor. Later he’s anxious to tell Rachel about his hero moment, but his joy is short-lived when he hears her son in the background, excitedly announcing that his father is there. A glum Gus hangs up the phone, and Shawn tries without success to cheer him up. It looks like the separation is not going to be an easy one for Gus.
Psych airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on USA.