FRINGE: Liberty/An Enemy of Fate Recap
With Michael being held by Windmark, the Fringe crew is frantic to find him. Fortunately they have friends in high places and Broyles comes through. He tricks one of the captors into telling him where Michael is being kept, Liberty Island. The place is impossible for the group to penetrate, but Olivia proves why she is a rock star among agents and comes up with a plan. With the help of a massive dose of cortexifan, she goes to the other side and enlists Fauxlivia and Lincoln’s help.
Windmark tries to force answers from Michael, but he’s the one who pays the price…he’s bleeding from the eyes and nose by the time it’s done. The boy does to Windmark what Windmark does to everyone else. He wants his scientists to experiment on the boy to find out what’s so special about him. Every time he approaches the boy, he bleeds a little more, and it ruffles him. He believes the boy is a threat to them and wants him destroyed.
When September returns to the lab with the parts he needs to start building the device, he finds no one home. He doesn’t let it slow him down, he knows where everything is at, and he starts building all by himself. He completes the device, and all is well at first, but it suddenly powers down. He’s going to need help to get another power source, and seeks out his old friend December.
Fauxlivia and Lincoln have been happy together for more than 20 years now, and they have a son. They don’t hesitate to help Olivia when she asks. Alt-Broyles retired long ago, so they are running things now. They make arrangements to get Olivia to Liberty Island. Olivia has a few moments of confusion, which Walter had warned her about. He told her to hurry back if anything unusual started to happen, as they can’t be sure how long the cortexifan will last. She crosses over to Observer held Liberty Island, kills an Observer or two along the way, and manages to find Michael. He smiles, as though he was expecting her. She grabs him and hurries to get back, but the Observer’s know there has been a security breach and are close behind. She manages to cross back to Alt-universe Liberty Island with Michael in tow. Fauxlivia and Lincoln kill the Observers who cross over after her.
Lincoln stays behind to make sure no more Observer’s cross through there, and Fauxlivia gets Olivia and Michael to their next crossover point. Olivia and Fauxlivia share a nice moment wishing each other well, Fauxlivia hopes that Olivia will get her daughter back. Then Olivia and Michael cross over one last time with no problem. Peter is relieved to have her back safely, and the crew speeds away before any more Observer’s can catch up to them.
Windmark grills the officer who gave Broyles the location Michael was being held, and the man names Broyles as the only person he told. Windmark does not look happy to hear this information. Broyles touches bases with Walter and plans to meet them once he picks something up. While he goes inside the building, Windmark’s people use their devices to retrieve Broyles’ last conversation and find the proof that he is working with the fugitives. Windmark confronts and questions him, but Broyles successfully lies his way through it. Or at least it seems that way.
September tells December about the plan, but December is reluctant to help. He believes that what is happening is the destiny of the people of this era. September pleads with him. December felt something for these people too.
Walter explains the machine, and the plan. Michael will be taken to 2167 where he will meet the scientist and change the course of human evolution. Walter is planning to go with him, but hasn’t shared that information yet. He can’t avoid it any longer when Peter locates the last tape and it is addressed to him. Walter-in-the-tape reveals to Peter an important part of the plan, that he will be living in the future and will never see him again. Father and son share some tearful moments together. Walter wants to make this sacrifice so Peter and Olivia can have their daughter back, so they can have their lives back.
Broyles calls Olivia to update her, then realizes a moment too late that he is being followed. He wants them to move forward with the plan and not worry about him. He eludes the Observers for a while, but eventually they catch on that he knows he’s being followed and they take him to Windmark.
Olivia and Astrid go to retrieve the device that December is providing for the machine, but instead find him dead and a Loyalist in his apartment. They force the Loyalist at gunpoint to tell them where the part is located. Meanwhile, Windmark is handed the part in question by one of his men, and is alarmed to learn that the group plans to reset time.
The Fringe crew is planning their moves for the next morning, they will use one of the Observer’s shipping cubes and wormholes to execute their plan. They are interrupted with news that Broyles has been captured. It changes nothing, though. The plan is still on.
Walter and Astrid have a tender moment together. He says she always has known how to soothe him. Before she walks away, he tells her that Astrid is a beautiful name.
Peter gives Olivia back the necklace with the bullet hanging from it. He tells her they will have their daughter back, and nothing else matters. They share a kiss, then it’s time to get moving with the plan. They don gas masks, and release biohazard material into the air and water at the Observer’s HQ. They are going to steal a cube from the Observers to use in their plan.
September pulls Walter aside at the lab and tells him he wants to be the one to take Michael into the future. Seeing Peter and Walter, and how much Peter means to Walter, showed him what he means to Michael. He wants Michael to know that he loves him. They both want to protect their children. Walter relents, he will let September be the one to go.
Windmark interrogates Broyles. He tells Broyles that he does have one emotion, hate. Broyles lets him know the feeling is mutual. Windmark’s interrogation is interrupted when alarms start sounding, and staff all over the building start suffering from parasites bursting out of their bodies. Peter and Olivia see Broyles on a security monitor and add an addendum to their plan. Broyles has been left alone during the emergency, and they reach him with no difficulty. Peter tells him he has no idea how lucky he is there was no ventilation in the interrogation room. They give him a mask and get on their way.
With all the team back together, they let Anil know they are ready to initiate their plan. They drive through the area where Observers are setting up cubes for a delivery. Anil’s men engage in gunfire with the Observers while the Fringe crew sets up their beacon for transport. With everyone distracted by the beacon, no one notices Windmark has arrived and is going after Michael. Peter intervenes and is beaten by Windmark for a few moments, then Astrid and Olivia join in and shoot at him. Windmark tosses Olivia around too. Her necklace falls to the ground, and when Olivia reaches to pick it up, something in her snaps and it engages the remaining cortexifan in her system. Lights start going out all around them, and as Windmark stands there watching, distracted, Olivia uses her mind to move an SUV and slam it into him. Windmark will no longer be a problem.
During all the gun play, September is hit and lies on the ground dying. Walter sees him and knows what he must do. He takes Michael’s hand, then gives Peter a goodbye glance. Walter and Michael then walk away through the wormhole.
Back in the park, more than 20 years in the past, where the whole nightmare of the invasion began, Peter calls out to Etta to tell her it’s time to go home. She runs to him, as Olivia watches on. This time the little girl makes it all the way to her father’s arms. Once they are home, Peter sorts through the mail as he listens to his daughter giggling upstairs. One envelope catches his eye, it’s from Walter. When he opens it, all that is inside is a drawing of a white tulip.