ELEMENTARY Recap: While You Were Sleeping
Sherlock and Watson are at an AA meeting listening to a man’s story, well Watson is listening. Sherlock it turns out has put himself in a trance something he explains is quite simple. He doesn’t like to listen to useless facts or AA stories; his brain is for useful facts that will make him the best version of himself. Which is you ask me is a little manic but otherwise oddly charming.
The case they end up taking is a guy, shot in the head. The reason they called Sherlock was because the victim’s cousin is a cop in Queens. The Captain wants the best people on the case and it looks like the victim walked in on a robbery. I’m guessing that won’t be the case though since that would be too simple.
Looks like it was a robbery and a homicide, the homicide was done by a woman and then the robbery was done by a man according to Sherlock. This is all deduced by size of items stolen and a lingering deodorant smell.
The robbery is solved easily enough, it was the neighbor. Onto the homicide.
I don’t usually watch opening credits for shows, I have a DVR and I put it to good use but the opening credits for Elementary are really quite interesting.
The cops are questioning the neighbor for the murder much to Sherlock’s dismay. He is adamant a woman committed the murder. Of course the detective thinks Sherlock is crazy and has no idea what he is talking about. Something that slightly bothers me, just because someone lacks social skills doesn’t mean they aren’t smart. This detectives Captain called Sherlock in to consult, Sherlock has obvious mental skills. Why can’t the detective at least try to listen to him? It probably isn’t good TV if there is no conflict, I get that but this detective is just downright rude.
As a side story Watson has a dinner date with a “friend”. He is quite possibly the tallest guy…ever. Seriously, the top of his head was not even in the shot. I’ve gotten off track. He is a lawyer for the DA, her ex-boyfriend in fact. He can’t understand her job choice and he uses a condescending tone about how sure it hurt when she lost that patient on the table but to go from a surgeon to a babysitter for addicts…
And can we go back to how tall he is? How did he and Watson date? She is not a tall gal. Okay okay, I’m done with the height thing for now.
The next morning Sherlock is going over the crime scene photos when the detective calls. He found the woman the neighbor identified to a sketch artist. The detective is of course shocked there was even a woman. Sherlock and Watson meet the detective at the hospital; the lady is in a coma and has been for three days. She tried to kill herself with pills and booze.
The detective again gets mouthy, he is sure the neighbor identified a woman that absolutely couldn’t have committed the crime in an attempt to throw the cops off of his “scent”.
Sherlock isn’t convinced; he yells at her, you know to make sure she is in a real coma. It is in fact a real coma.
What Sherlock does find is a book on her night stand. It has an inscription inside, “To Yvette and Rebecca on your 5th birthday.” Coma Lady has a twin. After some Googling Sherlock finds that Yvette and Rebecca are the children of Charles Ellison. He died a few months ago. He was a multimillionaire, schools and parks named after him, etc… Rebecca has run the families charitable organization for years so hey go to visit her, and when they find her they are momentarily stumped. They are fraternal twins not paternal so they don’t look alike.
Watson and Sherlock are talking about the case when Watson brings out a violin she found in a closet. I wondered how long it would take before Sherlock’s violin made an appearance. While Watson has her back turned Sherlock puts the violin in the garbage and sets it on fire.
The Captain calls before Watson can get too upset. They have another victim, same M.O. as before. The detective is still being rude in case you were wondering.
Watson comes up with a link between the victims. They both had a very rare genetic eye disorder. Sherlock takes it farther, the first victim and the second victim were brother and sister, half siblings.
From talking to the friends and family the victims thought they were only children. So who knew otherwise?
The second victim filed a complaint a few days ago; she thought she was being followed. The man she thought was following her is a friend of the Captains. They pay him a visit and he lies about having followed her. When confronted about the evidence he says he can’t talk about why, it is protected by privilege. He does investigative work for a law firm. Sherlock has had enough of the rules and regulations, he pulls Mike (the investigator) aside. He confides in him he can tell he is on meth to stay alert with all the hours he must be working. He lists a number of reasons how he knows this and insinuates he can even tell him where his stash is so…start talking. It works; he goes back into his office, leaves a file on his desk and then goes to the bathroom.
The file brings them back to Rebecca Ellison. It was her lawyers who were investigating the victims. When Rebecca’s Dad died a few months ago he admitted to fathering the children. In order to protect her inheritance Rebecca had them killed. Or so Sherlock accuses, but Rebecca says she didn’t kill anyone. She did know about the victims and she did have them investigated but only to see what type of people they were. Before anything could be done her sister started spiraling, she started dating a married man and then tried to kill herself. Sherlock goes as far as to accuse Rebecca of getting her sister to take the pills so she can get her hands on all of the money her father left.
The cops have to let Rebecca go though because there is no evidence that she committed the murders.
Back at an AA meeting Watson is listening to the stories being told while Sherlock is trying to figure out how Rebecca committed the murders. The lady speaking at the meeting is talking about how she got clean but started dating a married man, a doctor for access to his drugs. Something clicks with Sherlock and he drags Watson out of there.
They head to the hospital where Sherlock confronts Rebecca who is reading to her sister. Sherlock and Watson put on a pretty big show telling Rebecca about another heir, Sherlock gives her an address and everything. They go as far as to get into a minor physical altercation with the rude detective.
Their plan works because that night the lady Sherlock told Rebecca about goes into her house. Once inside someone silently breaks into the front door, pulls out a gun and stalks into the living room. It’s Yvette and the cops are there to stop her.
At the police station Rebecca can’t believe it was Yvette. Turns out Yvette wasn’t in a coma from an attempted suicide it was medically induced by her doctor so she could come out of it at any time. Her doctor is her married boyfriend and her accomplice in this scheme to keep the other heirs from inheriting any of her money.
Rebecca wanted to share the money; Yvette would rather see them dead. So Yvette figured out an alibi that was beyond reproach.
Rebecca, being the big hearted sister, vows to help her sister. Sherlock asks her if Yvette had already killed the only two other heirs what was she still doing in the coma. There was only one other person in her way of inheriting everything…Rebecca.
With the doctor and Yvette under arrest the rude detective relents and thanks Sherlock for his help. He offers to buy him a drink too but Sherlock, being a recovering addict declines saying he has other plans. His other plans are just eating take out with Watson. They aren’t friends and I’m sure he doesn’t like having to be babysat as it were but they are trying to find a working relationship.
The episode ends with Watson upstairs in bed hearing Holmes playing the violin downstairs in the living room.
Elementary airs 10/9c on CBS
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