THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: “End of the Affair” for Stefan and Elena and Rebeccah
Please tell me I’m not the only one who is completely over Elena’s stupidity.
Stefan and Klaus go to Chicago to look up a very powerful witch that Klaus knew, and who might be able to help him figure out why he can’t create hybrids. When they get to a bar called Gloria’s, Klaus tells Gloria about his hybrid problems. Gloria is the witch he was looking for, obviously. Stefan goes to get drinks for them all and discovers a photo hanging on the wall, showing himself with Klaus. Flashback to 1920. Turns out 1920’s Chicago is when and where he first met Klaus, though he was known as Nick back then. These were also Stefan’s “Ripper” days and he is famous for it.
In the flashback, we watch Stefan as he walks into a speakeasy and there meets a beautiful blonde who is quite saucy and not afraid of him. She teases him and he is attracted to her, then later finds out the she is one of the “old ones”. In fact, Klaus’s sister, Rebecca. She falls hard for Stefan and he and Nick become very good friends. Nick admires Stefan’s ‘technique’ of torture and killing. Stefan always asks for the name of his victim so he can write it on a wall of a hidden room at his apartment and relive the kill over and over again. Ironic that is was Stefan who comforts a lonely and insecure Klaus, that he is a king and can do what he wants. Stefan is Klaus’s biggest fan!
There is a raid on the bar and wooden bullets are shot throughout the place. As Nick and Rebecca run for cover, he tells her that “he” has found them and they need to move on. He glamours Stefan into forgetting all about meeting him and his sister, but as they leave, Stefan discovers a necklace lying on the floor. It was the one that Rebecca was wearing and in fact, the very necklace that Stefan gave to Elena for protection. Out in the back alley, Rebecca is waiting for Stefan but Nick tells her he’s not coming and to get in the car. She refuses and Nick makes her choose between him and Stefan. She chooses Stefan so Nick stakes her and puts her in the car. Oh, Katherine was in the bar all this time, unbeknownst to anyone. She sees Stefan pick up the necklace. Interesting!
Meanwhile, back in present day, Elena and Damon discover where Stefan and Klaus are and come up with a plan that has Damon distracting Klaus as Elena tries to reach Stefan and get him to come home. Damon takes Elena to Stefan’s old apartment in Chicago and shows her his hidden room with all the names of his victims. He’s trying to make Elena see that Stefan is not the same person she has known. In fact, he’s much worse than she would ever have believed. She refused to read Damon’s journal on the road trip to Chicago, but this room is something that she cannot avoid. She finally begins reading the journal while Damon goes to Gloria’s to find out if she’s seen the gruesome twosome. Elena reads about Stefan’s long journey back to being almost human again which reinforces her resolve to try saving him. At this point, I’m so frustrated with this girl that I almost throw something at the television. If Klaus finds out that she is alive and that is the reason he can’t create the hybrids, she’s a dead girl – again. But she doesn’t care, as long as she can save Stefan. Please! Save Stefan for whom if she is dead? Clearly, she is dumber than she looks. Bring Katherine back for good, please!
When Damon finally does catch up with Stefan and Klaus at Gloria’s, he goes in and distracts Klaus as Elena tries to work her womanly charms on Stefan. He tells her to go home, that he doesn’t want to come with her, that he doesn’t want to see her anymore. He says that part of his life is over and she needs to just let it go. What the hell more does she need at this point? Maybe if she could see the Stefan of 1920’s Chicago, she would be convinced that he is gone from her.I don’t know, maybe she gets it now, because when Damon comes back out, after being saved from the true death by Gloria, Elena tells Damon to just start driving. Oh boo-hoo!
Klaus walks into a warehouse and up to a coffin which houses Rebecca. He pulls the stake out of Rebecca bringing her back to life. He tells her that Gloria needs something that she has in order to figure out why he can’t recreate more hybrids. She discovers her missing necklace and goes crazy. Klaus brings Stefan into the warehouse and removes the memory freeze from him. Stefan sees Rebecca and remembers everything, including the fact that he had met Klaus all those years ago.
While all this is going on, poor Caroline, whom I really feel sorry for right now, is being systematically tortured by her father. And I thought the parents on Pretty Little Liars were dysfunctional. Daddy dearest thinks he can change Caroline and help her to overcome her vampire instincts. He’s got her chained to an iron chair and he blows vervain-infused air into the room through the vents, keeping Caroline weak. After he gets her to tell him how she can walk in the daylight, he takes her ring from her and opens up a shutterd window, letting in the sun and burning Caroline. How could he stand there and listen to her screams and not be moved.
Carol to the rescue! She makes good on her promise to Tyler to fix the mess she put Caroline in by calling Liz. Liz shows up at the dungeon room after Bill’s torture session with his daughter, and points a gun at him, ready to shoot him if he tries to stop her from getting her daughter. Tyler goes into the room as Liz covers him. He gets Caroline out, with her ring and they take her home. Liz has really done a complete turn-around where Caroline is concerned. She tells Caroline that she and the other adults in the town were all taught to believe the worst of all supernatural creatures. Bill is still among that group but she thinks he will change his mind about Caroline like Liz did. Caroline is heartbroken that her father hates her, but Tyler is there to offer comfort. Aw! I love these two together.
So here is where we all stand:
Stefan told Damon that if Klaus finds out that the dopple-ganger is still alive, he will go after her again, and perhap, kill Stefan in his anger.
Elena may be finally convinced to let Stefan go. I sure hope so.
Katherine is tracking Stefan and Klaus but why would she put herself in Klaus’s way again?
Rebeccah is resurrected, but will Klaus/Nick let her stay that way?
Who was the man that ordered the hit on Gloria’s in 1920? I’m thinking this was Klaus’s daddy. He knew to use wooden bullets and Klaus is afraid of him.
Gloria needs the necklace to get in touch with the witch who originated the hybrid curse. I thought the necklace held vervain so that Elena could not be glamoured by vampires. Obviously, there’s more to it.
Where’s Bonnie?!
Let’s talk about this episode, shall we?
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