TV Guide

NGTV Guide: Sunday, July 10

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True Blood – 9/8c HBO
“If You Love Me, Why Am I Dying?” – Sookie makes a deal with Eric, and reconnects with Alcide (Joe Manganiello); Bill punishes an errant vampire and counsels a guilt-ridden Jessica; Jason is cast as a reluctant savior; Tommy (Marshall Allman) eyes a scam and alienates Sam; Marnie (Fiona Shaw) flexes her newfound powers; Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) delivers an ultimatum to Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis), Tara (Rutina Wesley) and Jesus (Kevin Alejandro); Eric spoils Sookie’s faerie reunion.

Leverage – 9/8c TNT
“The 15 Minutes Job” – To take down a corrupt PR consultant, the LEVERAGE team must build him up as a hero, then use his own methods against him.

Falling Skies – 10/9c TNT
“Silent Kill” – Hal orchestrates a shadowy and perilous plan to slip into an alien lair to rescue Ben and other ensnared kids.

In Plain Sight – 10/9c USA
“The Rolling Stones” – A witness is forced to enter the program after being mistaken for his twin.

The Glades – 10/9c A&E
“Dirty Little Secrets” – Some incidental foot contact in a men’s restroom at a truck stop enrages one of the men to give the other a piece of his mind. What he discovers in the next stall is a man beaten to death. Longworth follows the trail of clues to a luxury rehab center. In the meantime Carlos’s attention is pulled between the crime scene, helping a sexy former colleague he has “history” with and his daughter’s quinceanera. Callie and Jeff struggle to keep it together as a family during Ray’s absence.

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