A Million Little Things Roundtable: “school ties”

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Here is the official synopsis for this week’s episode (season 4, episode 14) of A Million Little Things entitled “school ties”:

Now that Maggie and Gary have found their way back together, they take important steps to secure their future as a couple. Regina’s estranged parents reunite to support her new business; Katherine and Greta attend their high school reunion, and Rome’s documentary makes an impact on impressionable students at his old prep school.

Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on this episode [spoiler alert]:


Thank goodness Rome decided to handle the situation at his old school the way that he did – telling off the Dean in private while praising his old schoolmate who is trying to make a difference seems like a much better choice. It’s interesting how they have evolved Tyrell into such a moderating force for him. The kid is wise beyond his years, but I guess growing up undocumented but still managing to excel will do that for you!

That little bombshell from Regina’s mother helps to explain the complicated relationships between her and her parents. I can appreciate her father’s outrage – how did she let the same thing happen to Regina? But, unfortunately, that seems all too common because of the psychological barriers that child sexual abuse victims often erect to try to protect themselves and the shame and guilt involved in talking about the abuse, especially when it involves a family member. No victim shaming here, but I think it’s natural to think “if only she has said something back then! But she didn’t, and they can’t go back, so the only path is forward.  I hope all three of them can get some serious therapy!

I have even less interest in 1) Eddie’s sex life and 2) Danny’s sex life this week than I did in the last episode. Maybe it’s good for representation to point out that spinal cord injuries can cause sexual dysfunction, but <shrugs>.

WTF Katherine?!? I was kind of expecting Katherine to decide that maybe things were getting a little too edgy for her and maybe start backing away from Greta. But larcerny and destruction of property, really? It also seems highly unlikely that there are not cameras at the school, especially in a hallway like that which is typically really close to administrative offices. Why would she risk potential criminal charges? It’s one thing to do stupid stuff in high school, quite another to do it as an adult, especially one with a professional license that needs to be maintained. I also don’t think she took the best approach with telling her mother about her relationship with Greta. Although, it was slightly amusing that Katherine’s mother continues to try to set her up with a guy who was apparently a player in high school and doesn’t seem particularly repentant!

I have to admit that Maggie made ME look when she faked the phone call from Cam. That got my hopes up for a second, only to be crushed. Maybe before they consider having a baby together, they should start by getting engaged or married? If they can’t handle that commitment, how are they going to handle co-parenting? But then they have to throw in that little “gotcha” at the very end. Ugh! The only thing that has less appeal for me than a Maggie trying to get pregnant plot is a “Gary’s cancer comes back” plot. Which got me thinking, what would be the Gary-Maggie shipping name? #Gaggie? LOL

RELATED: A Million Little Things


Oh gosh! This episode! A few storylines to really rally behind, and so much that just made me cringe. You’ve said it better than I think I could, Cay, but I’ll try to add in my two cents worth.

I don’t give a crap about Eddie and Anna and I am SO over the whole Danny and Milo relationship. I can’t wait for these storylines to just…go…away!

I was very troubled by the whole Katherine wanting to do one bad thing because she was too much of a worker-bee student in high school. What you said about that whole little scene was just so dead-one. Her actions were so dumb and careless. I mean what was she thinking?! And then breaking the news to her mom about Greta by kissing the woman in front of her mom. How does an intelligent woman like that think that’s the way to come out to her mother?

Kudos to Rome for how he handled his speech after the screening of his movie. What he said to those kids about the Vice Principal was so much better than what he had planned, but still driving the point to the Dean, to his face, was just the right thing to do. It got his anger off his shoulders and put the Dean in his place without burning down the whole prep school.

I can’t say anything better about the reveal of Regina’s mom and what her monster of a brother did to her, or Regina’s dad’s reaction than what you said.

As for Maggie and Gary, and this whole let’s maybe start having fun trying to get pregnant. They are rushing things too much. They JUST got back together. And, now we have wait and see if Gary’s cancer is back. C’mon!!

[Photo Credit: ABC/Darko Sikman]

What did you think of this week’s episode? Please share your thoughts below.

The next new episode of A Million Little Things will air on ABC on April 13 at 10/9c.

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