STUMPTOWN Roundtable: The Dex Files
Stumptown fans! Join Nice Girls Leah, Lisa and Roz while we discuss this episode of Stumptown – The Dex Files” which focused on the following:
Dex’s former client Jeremy introduces her to Major Elders who has intel on Benny’s death. Dex, suspicious of the information and looking for answers, investigates a potential cover up involving Benny’s unit in Afghanistan. Elsewhere, Hoffman and his partner, Lee, work closely on a sting operation which shockingly involves a familiar face. Meanwhile, Grey’s newfound relationship with his father is tested.
The Good
Roz: I loved all of the flashbacks – complete with Pearl Jam – as we get more and more about what got Benny killed. With that first meeting of Benny’s friend with the fancy weapon, I have a feeling this story is going to get into something bigger than Dex imagined but will be all the more important.
Lisa: I loved the flashbacks too! Pearl Jam was a bonus for sure. Ansel is always a joy. I loved how he comforted Grey after his father didn’t show up to the bar.
The Bad
Roz: Hoffman! What are you doing sleeping with your partner on this case? But that’s maybe lessened by the dumb move of Dex on the button! What the actual hell Dex?
In another note, poor Tookie!
Lisa: Lawd! I knew Hoffman was going to hook up with his partner. the worse part is they sat there and listed every reason why it was a bad idea…and then they still did it! *facepalm* My heart broke for Tookie. I couldn’t believe his wife did him like that!
Final Thought
Roz: Well, now we’re cooking with gas! This is heating up to be something big and bad in the coming weeks.
Lisa: I’m curious to see how Hoffman’s relationship with his partner changes. I also want more flashback scenes!! This show is getting so good!
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STUMPTOWN airs Wednesday nights at 10/9c on ABC