THE ROOKIE Roundtable: The Switch

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The Rookie is back this week with some training officer switching. How do you think the rookies will do with new TO’s?

The rookies are temporarily paired with new training officers, and Officer Nolan is paired with Officer Lopez. When Nolan and Lopez track down an escaped criminal, they discover a little kindness goes a long way. Meanwhile, Jackson is forced to face his fears when he is partnered with Officer Bradford, while Officer Chen and Nolan must face a hard truth.

Let’s dig into the new episode with our new feature: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):


Roz: How is West so set on being a cop when the idea terrifies him so much? I get that you want to follow in Daddy’s footsteps, but this seems like a fool’s mission to get over something that big.

Rueben: West telling Bradford, “try and fix me” – really?! You want your TO to fix you! You’ve got to be kidding me.

Leah: What is up with West? He can’t have a Dad who is a cop and be this stupid, can he?



Rueben: How great was it to see Kristian Nairn (Hodor from Game of Thrones) playing Wallace, the shut-in Bradford took West to for help. And I have to admit it was pretty slick to see Nolan crawl under those parked cars to grab the shooter at his ankles and knock him down while West took out that other shooter with his vehicle. And, just as an aside the scene of Lopez and Nolan at the food truck where Bradford and West showed up – that was filmed at the building on the Burbank Warner Brothers lot where I worked for five years.

Leah: Kristian Nairn was awesome. Also – Rueben covered my other point – Nolan under the cars to take a perp out by the ankles. Fun to watch.


Roz: I had mixed fillings about Nolan and Chen from the beginning, but this ending was so blah. It could have been powerful, but it was just limped through like that poor woman caught in the gunfight.

Rueben: Nolan and Chen breaking up with each other; his reason is to not ruin her career and her reason to protect herself – even though they didn’t want to break up. ARGH!!

Leah: We didn’t even get Chen and Nolan together long enough for me to really care about them as a couple. Meh.


Roz: I appreciate the look at LA, but these characters aren’t grabbing me still. They should be interesting, but they’re just not.

Rueben: I WANT to love this show because of Nathan, but it is starting to grate on me. I am more disappointed with that than anything.

Leah: I completely agree with Rueben. I really do want to love this show, but it isn’t winning me over.

The Rookie airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on ABC.

Check out our previous recaps here.

Leah reads constantly, sing incessantly and watches TV what her Mother would consider an unhealthy amount. You can find her on twitter @IamPollyP or contact her via email at