Rueben's Ramblings
Fall TV Fail
Typically during this week TV viewers would be preparing for the start of Fall TV. That would mean our favorite shows would be back with all-new episodes and each network would be gearing up for the debut of their new shows.
However, with the ongoing strikes by both the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio (SAG-AFTRA), the possibility of having a “normal” fall TV season is, well, pretty toast.
There have been a multitude of articles written about the ongoing strikes and the lack of an agreement between both guilds and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), the association that represents over 350 American TV and film production companies; but none more important than the recent report (albeit from desk of FOX Entertainment President Michael Thorn) that states if both sides cannot agree by October 1, then the scripted-TV season cannot be salvaged.
Think about it: Most TV shows (drama and comedy) would have been back to work this past summer. Writer’s rooms would have been filled up in early spring, getting everything ready for filming to start in the summer so that at least a handful (or so) of episodes would be available for the start of fall TV.
And, the longer the strikes continue, the longer it’s going to take to build all of that back up.
If you are a fan of game shows and reality, well, then you’re in luck. The fall TV landscape is overflowing with both genres, but if you are a fan of scripted shows – forget about it. Sure, NBC has two new dramas that will debut in the early part of the 2023-2024 TV season – The Irrational and Found – along with new episodes of the reboot of Quantum Leap and The CW has imported two dramas from Canada – Sullivan’s Crossing and The Spencer Sisters – but that’s it. There aren’t any new comedies that will be debuting; there aren’t any other new dramas and even the supply of made-for-TV movies is going to eventually dry up.
RELATED: Fall TV That Won’t Be
So…what then?
Sure, we can all binge shows on streaming, we can catch up on box office movies that we just couldn’t see at our local Cineplex (for whatever reason) and there are plenty of the aforementioned game shows and reality…oh yeah, and sports for those who love to watch football.
But, scripted TV, not so much! And, depending on how long the strikes continue, viewing options going into 2024 are going to be bleak to say the least.
If you haven’t cut the cord yet (I know there are some of you still out there with basic cable services), or if you are still figuring out which streaming services are best for you (I know there are a lot of people still trying to figure out the ever-growing maze of streamers available), please consider checking out HotDog.com. They are an online service that can help you figure out which streaming service(s) are right for you.
Here’s to hoping that the guilds and the producers can come to a resolution soon so we can get back to our normal viewing, and all those folks can get back to work.