A Million Little Things Roundtable: “any way the wind blows”
It’s been two months since A Million Little Things aired a new episode, but it returned this week with an all-new episode.
Here is the official synopsis for the episode (season 4, episode 9) entitled “any way the wind blows”:
Gary learns some new things about Maggie on their road trip to Albany. Eddie helps Rome in a time of need, and Regina sets boundaries with her father. Katherine reunites with someone from her past.
Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on this episode [spoiler alert]:
You know, this is the first episode of the series that I can remember where everything seemed to work out for all characters! So many episodes it seemed like bad things were happening to everyone, or at least certain characters again and again, but this one was surprisingly upbeat.
That said, it wasn’t particularly believable. Scenes like the “pool beach” only happen on TV and while it was obviously meant to be endearing, it was a bit over-the-top sappy for me. That said, nice to not see Eddie moping! Also glad that he didn’t drown. Diving into the deep end of a pool when you don’t know if you can still swim without your legs seems risky indeed. Does Rome have some lifeguard background that we don’t know?
Is Maggie’s “stalker” storyline over that neat and tidy? The mom listened to her podcast and now it’s all good? Cam is too great – I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even the most reasonable guys are probably not going to be happy that their girlfriend goes on a roadtrip with her ex! Also seems really unlikely for an NHL player to fake an injury mid-game to be with his girlfriend. It’s funny how I can suspend my disbelief for spy thrillers and superhero shows, but dramas that seem on the surface to be about normal people and normal life bug me when they seem unrealistic! All that said, even the skeptical part of me wants him to really be what he seems, for both our sake and for Maggie.
Katherine is full of surprises these days! Once she’s in, she’s all in. Guess she had been repressing a lot of stuff for a long time! She jumped pretty quickly from her first date with a woman and not even being willing to hold her hand to being all hot and heavy with her old friend. I hope her recklessness doesn’t result in her getting hurt. Maybe opposites do attract, but it’s hard to imagine a long-term relationship between her and her new/old “friend”.
RELATED: A Million Little Things
It was so great to have the show back on the air after their extended break, and for the episode to be, as you said Cay, upbeat for once. We don’t always get to see a full-on upbeat episode, but this was fairly close to that. That’s not to negate Rome dealing with his depression, of course. That being said, it was comical to watch Eddie try to spoon Rome, and then even more unusual to have Rome join Eddie on his Uber-like driving services before they headed to the “beach” at that swimming pool. It was a nice sojourn for Rome (and sweet that Sophie helped set it all up), but this is only the beginning of his getting the help he needs. I truly hope he continues to see Dr. Heller, and that those future visits and his friends will help him. You are right that it was very risky for Eddie to dive into that water, and I’m not sure if that was the smartest way to play out that scene.
I liked watching Gary and Maggie together – although it seemed like a waste of time to drive the whole way to Albany only to turn right back around to go back to Boston. I also don’t want Gary getting the wrong idea about Maggie. You are so right about Cam. Since they first introduced him, I wondered if he would turn out to be a not-so-nice guy, and while that hasn’t happened yet, I keep expecting it to happen each time Cam and Maggie are together. I hope we are both proven wrong and that he really is the right guy for Maggie, but I can’t help but miss Maggie and Gary as a couple.
I have to wonder if there will be more scenes with Maggie’s “stalker” Meredith or not. After all they’ve spent enough time on this new storyline that it seems ridiculous for them to just drop it as quickly as they introduced it. I also have to wonder if we’ll see more about Regina’s former partner Valerie and her daughter or if they will just drop that storyline too. I’d honestly like to see Regina and Valerie perhaps start some kind of food truck business, as I actually enjoyed their working together. Wishful thinking on my part maybe.
As for Katherine, I agree with you that she seemed to make a complete 360 switch, and given the clips for next week’s episode (which perhaps you didn’t see), I have a feeling that your concern that she might get hurt is actually going to happen. I also have to wonder how Theo will react when he learns that his mom is into women not men, since he asked his mom about her going on a first date.
And then there is Gary briefly mentioning that he wished he never went to Peter’s front door, and yet there has never been any real resolution about his role in that whole storyline or the fact that police detective was hot on his heels about the attack. They never really explained all of that, and it’s hard to believe that he was just let off the hook by the cops.
- Rome
- Regina
- Eddie
- Katherine
- Eddie and Rome
- Valeire
[Photo Credit: ABC/David Bukach]
What did you think of this week’s episode? Please share your thoughts below.
The next new episode of A Million Little Things will air on ABC on March 2 at 10/9c.