Dragon Con Goes Virtual – September 3-7 2020
It’s that time of year where we would be heading to downtown Atlanta for the best cosplay in the world, panels, gaming, vendors, films, puppetry, musical performances, the walk of fame, the parade and parties galore better known as the epic Dragon Con weekend. This year things are different due to the current state of our world, but lucky for us Dragon Con is going virtual this year and it is going to be pretty awesome!
Dragon Con Goes Virtual starts tomorrow, September 3rd and runs through Monday, September 7th. There is a full schedule of events, click here to see the Dragon Con quick start guide including info on gaming, costume contests, the Dragon Con Discord , guest autographs and virtual hangouts, the virtual vendor hall and more!
You can view the broadcast live streaming here, the Vimeo App or my personal favorite the Dragon Con goes Virtual channel on Roku. You can download it for free and watch the streaming there as well. I’ve been watching DCTV this week and it’s almost as good as being at a host hotel!
Here is some information on the 3 channels running throughout the event.
- DCTVLand/Classics feed which will feature Dragon Con content from previous years. Hello…can we say John Barrowman panels? Holla! If you have never experienced one of his panels then do yourself a favor and check one out this weekend (he wears a TARDIS dress in one of them and it was amazing!)
- Track programming is what truly sets Dragon Con apart other conventions. There are over 35 fan tracks (literally whatever you are interested in, there is something for you). These tracks all offer panels and events to cater the interest of the fans. Some content will be on this channel and because there is so much content available, some events will be on the fan tracks social media channels and YouTube (I’ve included more information on this below).
- The Main Channel will highlight new guest programming like the Star Trek Discovery Cast, Felicia Day and Tai Chi with Erin Gray (a con favorite), Hocus Pocus Cast, performances from Dragon Con performers (DJ Spider dance parties or Voltaire at 12:15am on Sunday – yes please!), the two main costume contests, the virtual parade and much more.
Fan tracks are a huge part of Dragon Con, click here to see the full schedule for all the Fan tracks. Please note, not all content is posted in the quick guide. Make sure to check the fan track link above in addition to the schedule in the quick guide to see everything available. Bookmark the social media pages and content you are interested in now so you are ready for the weekend.
I definitely will miss seeing my Dragon Con family in person this year. The friendships I’ve made at Dragon Con over the last 10 years are my favorite thing about this community. This year, I am excited to be a panelist on the following panels (both on the Urban Fantasy Fan Track and can be found on their Facebook page or YouTube channel)
Saturday, 9/5 at 5pm ET
Vendettas in Purgatory 2.0: A Wynonna Earp Fan Panel
A moderated fan-panel discussion over season 4A of the hit show. Panelists: Bonnie Ferrar, Lisa Harrison, John Hartness, Carol Malcolm, Lisa Manifold, Kevin Bachelder (M)
Sunday 9/6 at 8pm ET
Gifts, Missing Mojo, and Murder: A Lucifer Fan Panel
A moderated fan-panel discussion over Season 5A of the hit show. Panelists: Kevin Bachelder, Susan Griffith, Lisa Harrison, Wendy Hembrock, Jean Marie Ward, Carol Malcolm (M)
If you are a Wynonna Earp fan or a Lucifer fan please join us for a fun discussion and send us a chat. Get those schedules set and enjoy Dragon Con Goes Virtual this weekend. The awesome staff and volunteers at Dragon Con have worked really hard to bring us an amazing virtual con. You can keep up with Dragon Con updates on their social media pages (listed in the guide I provided above)and you can keep up with me @Lisa_NGTV or @NiceGirlsTV on Twitter. I plan to be living my best Dragon Con virtual life (and that includes virtual dance parties) so please say hi.
If you are cosplaying as a TV show character please tag us. We would love to see your costumes. Have a good con!#WeAreDragonCon

Lisa lives in Atlanta and is our connection to all things Hollywood South. She is an Actor, VO Artist and Co-host of the Friends & Fiction Official Book Club with Brenda and Lisa. A true social butterfly who loves to read, dance and geek out out with friends. Her favorite shows include Bel-Air, Power, Emily in Paris, Bridgerton, Wednesday, Black Lightning, Lucifer, Grown-ish, True Blood, Ghost Brothers and Veronica Mars. Email her at lisa@nicegirlstv.com and follow her on Instagram and TikTok @LisaGetsLit.
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