Blindspot Roundtable: Love You To Bits And Bytes
Blindspot aired the second of two new episodes this week titled “Love You to Bits and Bytes” which focused on the following:
As Ivy races to retrieve the devastating stash of ZIP bombs, but the remaining members of the team must rely on the help of a longtime thorn in their side, the very unstable genius Kathy Gustofson.
Join the Nice Girls Cay, Rueben, Roz, and Lisa as they discuss the episode using our feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):
*warning spoilers ahead*
Roz: What the hell Kathy? Why did you have to be that woman here? I was all excited to see you here, but then you ruin so many other things.
Also, does anyone trust the new FBI director? I feel like asking the team to stand down was not the best choice.
Cay: Are we supposed to believe that Kathy and Ivy set up that elaborate plot of having her distract Patterson and Rich while Boston hacked (and lost a finger) that also included him locking them out, them finding him, and them having all the time to set up a fake bomb so she could escape again? What did that really accomplish? Did it really slow down them finding the ZIP at all? It seemed like just a convoluted way to bring Kathy back in for one final insane romp.
Rueben: Yeah, Roz, I’m worried about the interim director too? Also, why would you bring Tracie Thoms in for that small of a scene as well? I agree with Cay that the whole thing of bringing Kathy back into the story after all this time seemed like just the show’s way of having Kathy create havoc again. It was terrific to see the three blind mice verbally going after each other like that, but way too elaborate of events to happen (especially the fake bomb, like we need another bomb in this show, by the way). I felt horrible for Boston with Ivy cutting off one of his fingers, but did she think that was going to help her? He’s a hacker, he needs ALL of his fingers to type.
Lisa: I agree with Rueben and Roz, I don’t trust the new FBI director one bit. I feel like she is part of the problem. Do you think she was working with Madeline all along? Where did she come from?

(Photo by: Barbara Nitke/Warner Brothers/NBC)
Roz: This was such a solid team – bigger than usual – effort this close to the end that I really appreciated. We’ve spend most of the season watching smaller groups so to see bigger ones in action felt right this close to the end.
Cay: Glad to see Weitz grow a spine and make the ultimate sacrifice for the team. I kind of enjoyed Rich and Kathy and Patterson bickering in the SUV – how did those three ever work together?
Rueben: Again, I loved the banter between Kathy, Patterson and Rich. It was crazy (and I can only imagine what the outtakes were like), but Rich was right that she was going to play them, and she did.
Lisa: I loved the three blind mice scene in the computer lab. Even though Kathy is Looney Tunes it was fun watching them geek out together. Also, Weitz going out in a heroic manner with his personality in tact was great. His last line about not using the picture from the paper at his funeral because his hair was greasy was great.
RELATED: Blindspot Roundtables
Roz: Oh lord no, Jane!
Cay: While I appreciate the artistry of bringing the story back to where it started with Jane getting ZIPed again… really?!? Are we going to end up with a Chuck controversy, where we are left at the end of the finale wondering what she remembers and if she still loves Kurt? Although, admittedly, I’m much less emotionally attached to their relationship than I was to Chuck and Sarah.
Rueben: Oh wow, Cay, I hadn’t even thought about the possible similarity to Chuck, but you are SO right. I am like you, I was WAY more attached to Chuck and Sarah in Chuck and not quite as attached to Jane and Weller (as a couple), but if we have to go back to Jane being the previous Jane or any other previous version of herself (like we haven’t been through that before), just seems a cheap way to bring the show to an end. Let’s hope that TPTB behind the show came up with some other scenario instead.
Lisa: I knew if anyone from the team was going to be ZIPed it would be Jane. I really hope that they don’t end the series with her crawling out of that bag (or into it) like the beginning. I feel like we have come full circle and I would be disappointed if it ends like it started, with her not knowing who she is.

(Photo by: Barbara Nitke/Warner Brothers/NBC)
Roz: I don’t know, based on that little promo, how much this finale is going to wrap up everything in the show? Why would we go back to where we started at the very beginning?
Cay: It sort of looks like next week might be all Jane and what she remembers. I wonder if her previous exposure and the treatment for ZIP poisoning might provide some protection for her so that she might not lose all her memories or that she might start getting them back quickly? Do we even know what happened to the ZIP that they denatured? I thought the team got to at least a couple vials – I keep wait for that to come up again.
Rueben: Yeah, I have to wonder just how they are going to bring five seasons to an end if all we are going to see is Jane reliving past events as either her memory is wiped
away or as she regains her memory somehow. We’ve stuck with this show through all of these seasons, and it deserves to have a well-rounded finale. I just hope that it actually delivers a good one.
Lisa: These last two episodes have really done well with bringing the team back together, doing what they do best. I can’t see how it will all wrap up in one more episode. I have really enjoyed this show and the twists and turns over 5 seasons. All I ask is that they don’t eff it up.
The finale episode of Blindspot airs Thursday, July 23 on NBC