AGENTS OF SHIELD: “A Trout in the Milk”
A new episode from the final season of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD aired this week on ABC.
Here’s the synopsis for the latest episode, “A Trout in the Milk”:
After a bumpy landing in the disco decade, the team – Daniel Sousa in tow – reunites with more than one familiar face at the S.H.I.E.L.D. hangout and discovers exactly how to dismantle the Chronicoms’ latest plan. But when they get too close for comfort, the Zephyr unexpectedly leaps forward again, this time to a date pivotal to not only the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. but to the future of Director Mack as well.
Join NiceGirls Roz, Christie, Karen, and Ruben as we discuss the episode, using our ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: What are they doing to Simmons now? Hasn’t she had enough trauma out upon her? I worry that the forgetting and the weird things in her neck are going to end in a bad place for everyone.
Christie: I hate when they reveal new problems with the characters vaguely, in the middle of everything going on on the show. It’s frustrating. And this is a short season to boot.
Karen: Ummm, the name? Weird. And I have to say, I’m miffed that Simmons continues to have angst. Hasn’t she had enough?
Rueben: I agree, Karen, I want the angst to end. I’d like to see the team finally get the upperhand against the chronicoms, and start taking them down.
Roz: Souza presence is oddly fun, even if he is confused most of the time by new technology.
Christie: The Butterfly Effect indeed. It feels like it’s only going to get worse I’m sure. The stakes are really high. It’s exciting! I also love May trying to deal with everyone’s feelings in the bar and getting contact “drunk.”
Karen: Showing Souza the smartphone (and her powers) was a bit of a chuckle. I also enjoyed Enoch’s passive-aggressiveness. And May is a BAMF 100%. There are some issues with her for sure, but it’s nice to see her being strategic again. Also, the Avengers mentions were strong here. Project Insight gives us more… insight into what’s going on, and I love it when a story comes together. Side note, Stoner showing up is a cool callback. I love Patrick Warburton, so showing up this week gave me the warm fuzzies. I don’t care what side he’s on, I just dig the character.
Rueben: I was taken aback by Deke taking out Malick; I didn’t expect him to actually pull the trigger. I loved the scene (although it was teased in the trailer last week) of Enoch pulling up in the car to save the team and his uttering the Terminator-esque line “Come with me if you want to continue to exist.” I still got a chuckle out of that. Everything with Souza was fun. And Mack has a strange way of seeing date night with YoYo, sneaking around inside the lighthouse?? The scene between May and Stoner at the old speakeasy was pretty funny too.
RELATED: Marvel’ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtables
Roz: What else changed besides Malick and the son who shouldn’t be here happened? These Chronicoms don’t care about ripples so I hope we get bigger waves now.
Christie: Having Mack’s parents captured is one hell left-field move. I don’t understand what the endgame is for the Chronicoms.
Karen: Malick monologuing. C’mon. Can we lose that trope already? Having Mack’s parents as a bargaining chip was kinda trope-y too. All that was needed was a mustache twirl and we’d have a full-on “tied to the train tracks” thing happening.
Rueben: I love what you said, Karen. That is so true. I was troubled by Mack’s parents being there. I also didn’t like that YoYo tried to get out of the Zephyr before the unexpected time jump, and she was moving at normal human speed. Is her power really suppressed by the remnants of that shreik?
Roz: So we’re about half way through this season and we still don’t have a clear idea of the end? I think being on the edge of my seat is good, but can I get a better idea of why we’re always on edge? It’s messing with everything else going on.
Christie: This has been an exciting season and I’m here for it. Great way to wrap this all up! I hope it keeps this energy going.
Karen: This season is firing on all cylinders overall, and I think it’s been incredibly good. We gotta get Jemma a happy ending though, right? I mean, doesn’t Deke confirm it? Even HE is a little tired of the FitzSimmons bashing. Like every other episode, I’m left waiting eagerly for the next one.
Rueben: I’m troubled by the final scene with Nathaniel calling someone about Daniel Whitehall. From what little Nathaniel said in that one-sided phone call, he wants to try to “remove” Daisy’s powers…for himself?! That’s so very troublesome. What is the deal with those 3 dots on the back of Simmons neck, and just like Karen, when will she and Fitz finally be reunited?! I want them to have a happy ending too. And what about those opening credits? So 1970’s TV, I loved it!!
[Photo Credit: ABC/Mitch Haaseth]
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be back next week on Wednesday, July 1 at 10/9c on ABC.