AGENTS OF SHIELD: “Alien Commies from the Future”
A new episode from the final season of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD aired this week on ABC.
Here’s the synopsis for the latest episode, “Alien Commies from the Future”:
A surprise leap forward in time has stranded Enoch in 1931 and landed the team in yet another unfamiliar decade. Now, in order to stop the chronicoms from launching their newest future-dismantling plan, the agents will have to infiltrate one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most secure bases. They won’t be able to succeed without help from a familiar face or two.
Join NiceGirls Roz, Christie, and Ruben as we discuss the episode, using our ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: Cosplaying Peggy, is great, but also a horrible idea. Souza is a guy you should have expected to show up in the 1950s team. I also don’t love that the women on staff were overlooked – and turned out to be the Chronocom.
Rueben: I had a problem with May and Yoyo going in to find the chronicom. I get it that someone had to – given they only have so many team members – but Yoyo isn’t at 100% and we know that something isn’t right with May. If it hadn’t been for Simmons getting that EMP up and running, things could’ve ended very badly.
Christie: The plan was good, but how did the team not know that Souza was at Area 51? Especially with Coulson as a big fan.
Roz: Simmons cosplaying Peggy! I love love the idea of these women being connected in some way, so thanks show! Also Deke saying “Stupid White Privilege” is amazing for our current climate.
Rueben: Yep, I loved that little mutter of Deke’s. I also enjoyed Simmons playing Peggy Carter. Getting to see Enver as Souza was a delight. I just wish they could’ve told him what was going on, but I’m not sure if he would’ve believed it. It was fun seeing Tamara Taylor too, even though we got a glimpse of her in the trailer last week. It’s always nice to see another Whedon-verse alum showing up. I wonder if we’ll see more of her or not.
Christie: Simmons as Peggy Carter was awesome! A nice touch. Also, considering that the season was filmed, like, a year ago, the “white privilege” bit was awfully timely. And finally — “moist.” ROFL!
RELATED: Marvel’ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Roundtables
Roz: Letting that DoD guy get out of the chair seems like a horrible idea, but I know that there are too many things going on for the team to have someone watching him at all times. Hopefully Mack’s punch was hard enough that he’ll forget all the tech in the Zephyr.
Rueben: Well, I think it’s more that they made him think that aliens abducted him that will cause the most problem. No one is going to believe anything that comes out of his mouth after that.
Christie: I’m curious what that diner waitress knows about, the way she responded to that guy.
Also, I’m really curious as to why Yoyo is, once again, blowing off the fact that something is wrong with her. She just got these new arms. What if that has something to do with her power being off? And I already have a feeling I understand what happened with May, I just hope we don’t spend half the season figuring it out.
Roz: What the heck is that button with Coulson’s eye going a different color? I like that Souza sort of saw the team as the good guys, but worries about Coulson. But what does it all mean?
Also, do you bring Tamara Taylor in for one scene? I sure as hell hope not! She’s way too good an actor to be used in something that small.
Rueben: Exactly what I thought (see my above comment) about Tamara. She was great in that one small scene, but you need to give her more to do. I was wondering the same thing about Coulson. Was he resetting himself, and will he go back to form or become something different? Will it still be Coulson or a different version of Coulson. That EMP could’ve really screwed up his system. Also, will we get to see Enoch again? I also loved the 50’s inspired title card. It would seem they are going to change that each time the team jumps into a different time period. I think that’s kinda cool. I also appreciate that they made a lot of the dialogue very relevant to the current climate – sure they probably wrote and filmed this episode months ago, but it just felt very timely.
How about all the different ways Coulson and Simmons tested the scientists and VIP’s to trigger an emotional response. I couldn’t help but laugh every time Coulson said “moist” to that scientist because all I could think about was Moist from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
Christie: I love the title cards for the episodes, and the attention to detail. I am bothered by Coulson’s fade and I can’t figure out why. I am concerned about Coulson after the EMP and his eye glitching. Overall though this has been a better show this season.
[Photo Credit: ABC/Mitch Haaseth]
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be back next week on Wednesday, June 18 at 10/9c on ABC.