AGENTS OF SHIELD Roundtable: “The New Deal”
We’re starting the final season ofMarvel’s Agents of SHIELD and we’re starting with a trip back in time.
Here’s the synopsis for the latest episode, “The New Deal”:
Coulson and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are thrust backward in time and stranded in 1931 New York City. With the all-new Zephyr set to time-jump at any moment, the team must hurry to find out exactly what happened. If they fail, it would mean disaster for the past, present and future of the world.
Join NiceGirls Rueben Karen, and Roz as we discuss the episode, using our ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: So much for not making a damn or big waves in this stream! I get that they need to investigate everything going on with the Chronocomes. I also want to yell at the Chronocomes for their plan to kill FDR. I follow the logic, but man is that idea BAD!
Rueben: I didn’t like the plan of killing FDR either. I didn’t like Yoyo having to say in quarantine, and then I remembered she was affected by the shrike last season. I had that moment of “it’s all coming back to me now” – you know?! And, what was the deal with May at the end. Seeing her up on the ceiling like that reminded me of River in Serenity. Is there something wrong with May? There better not be!!
Karen: Overall, I thought everything was really good, so I don’t have much for the “stupid” category. I agree that the FDR plot was probably the weakest.
Roz: Hey now Simmons! I love watching her go after what she wants in the best way.
Rueben: I loved some of the dialogue in this episode. Coulson: “Two years in two seconds. It’s like the worst episode of ‘This Is Your Life,’ ever.” Daisy’s little speech, putting that cop in his place when he asked “shouldn’t you have a husband.” Priceless! Mack telling them “ripples not waves,” and not being able to really hold to that. Daisy: “Careful your fanboy is showing.” And, Enoch being Enoch. Oh, and I loved the 1930’s inspired title card. It was great fun to see Patton Oswalt back as an ancestor of Koenig.
Karen: Patton Oswalt again is HEAVEN! I love him so much. Coulson’s corniness, Enoch’s super dry humor, and the costuming is DIVINE. I usually HATE Dad jokes, but when Phil makes them and then metas himself… you gotta love it.
Roz: A bait and switch on what the plan was could have been a great thing, but after thinking that killing FDR was the plan, to have it be more mundane ruined some great momentum. Sure, making sure that HYDRA is saved will keep SHIELD in business, but this is the worst sort of situation.
Rueben: Yeah, I wasn’t too pleased with the bait and switch either, Roz, but the teasers for the premiere gave away the final scene of Daisy and Coulson realizing they had to save HYDRA to save SHIELD. They really should have hid that in the advertising, it would have made for a better twist in watching the show and NOT knowing. I don’t want to see HYDRA saved, but if it’s the only way to have SHIELD then I guess we have to take the good with the bad??? UGH!
Karen: I agree about the lackluster “twist” thing. I don’t even know if you can call it that if you’re told ahead of time what the surprise is going to be.
Roz: Well, now we have a bigger set of issues at the heart of this season! HYDRA needs to be a part of the season for the sake of the future that everyone knows, which is a gross feeling. I’m curious how long they have to keep Freddie around to insure the future we know.
Rueben: Did you guys notice one little detail with the band that was playing? The drum had the logo of the “Zuckerman Brothers.” That’s an Easter Egg, as sisters Nora and Lilla Zuckerman are co-executive producers. I loved the clothes, Daisy’s hairstyle, the title card (wait, I said that before, but I have to say it again) and how they made it B&W there for a second when the team first entered NYC. And, how about bad ass Jemma. She’s not messing around with that Chronocome.
Karen: I didn’t notice, but now I’ve got to go back and check! I love easter eggs. So far, I feel like this season is made for me. Comic book? Check. Time travel? Check. Eye candy? Check. check, and check (I’m talking about the hair and costumes people!). I’m on board and excited for more!
Make sure to check out our coverage of the show here.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be back next week on Wednesday, June 3 at 10/9c on ABC, for the rest of the final season.
You can also watch the Virtual Chat with the cast and executive producers as they talk about the final season: