Batwoman: A Secret Kept From All the Rest
Batwoman episode 19: A Secret Kept From All the Rest
When members of Gotham’s intelligentsia begin disappearing, Commander Kane, Sophie and the Crows go searching for the newest homicidal threat to the city. In the meantime, Kate is consumed with someone’s betrayal and starts questioning the loyalty of everyone around her just when she needs them most. So when Luke and Julia go missing, Batwoman must rely on Mary and a former foe to deploy her rescue mission. Meanwhile, Alice enlists Tommy Elliot to help acquire an elusive item that her sister also seeks.
Join NiceGirls Lisa and Cay as they discuss the episode using our feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):
*warning spoilers ahead*
Cay: Jacob Kane needs to simmer down when it comes to Batwoman. He clearly feels like she is showing him up, but seriously, they are on the same side and it’s not like she’s an early Green Arrow-style vigilante who is just leaving a trail of bodies behind her, either. She’s catching people and leaving them for Gotham PD. Yes, that is the usual thing the Crows do, but maybe we can put ego aside here? Of course it’s all that much worse because of course Batwoman is his beloved daughter.
Speaking of those who know Kate’s identity – I’m totally with Mary of why the heck did they bring Parker Torres into the Batcave? I think more people know about Kate’s identity in less than a year than ever knew about Bruce Wayne’s!
Lisa: Yeah, I think Kate is stupid for bringing Parker Torres to the Batcave! She’s getting a little too loose with her identity and that is going to come back to bite her in the butt. I also think that Sophie is dumb for hooking up (or attempting to) with Kate’s ex! Isn’t there some kind of girl code for that? Uncool.
Lisa: Luke and Mary, Luke and Mary! I loved when Mary said to Kate, “Why does this rando teen get to know about you being Batwoman?” It was perfect because that is exactly was I was thinking. Luke is so awesome, I just wish he knew how and awesome and smart he is. When he said he wasn’t as smart as his father, it pulled at my heartstrings because he is amazing and I wish he knew that.
Cay: Luke is always awesome – so cool that he figured out the code on his own before Mary found the glasses. (I’m not going to get into the unlikelihood of him knowing even rudimentary amounts of that many languages, especially ancient/esoteric ones!).
Not sure if “awesome” is the right word, but I did like that Reagan came clean pretty quickly to Kate (although Julia forcing the confession out of her the day before at knife-point may have loosened her tongue!). Perhaps the team can use her to go after/keep tabs on Magpie?
I wonder what is in the journal that Mary found along with the glasses, though?
Cay: Can we believe Julia now? Has she told the whole truth? She did withstand a lot of torture to help Luke keep the secrets but I don’t know.
Maybe its just the stress of the secrets she now knows, but we’ve seen a lot of Mary drinking and otherwise not handling things as well as we’d expect from a med student with a secret clinic that caters to some sketchy characters. She always seemed so cool under pressure before, but now she’s acting more like an Instagram floozie. I wish they’d get back to Mary being extremely capable but using the influencer stuff as a cover only, now for both her clinic and her involvement with the Batteam.
Lisa: Nope! I don’t trust Julia one bit! I believe she is up to something shady outside of hooking up with Sophie. Again, girl code! I just don’t believe that she didn’t know what was in the journal. We shall see.
Lisa: I am really over the Mouse and Alice face-swapping, kill Batwoman and terrorize Gotham storyline. I absolutely love Rachel Skarsten and she is killing it as Alice, I just wish her character would take a turn or do something different. I’m glad Luke came back to the Batteam so quickly. Moving forward I hope he finds peace with his father’s death and finds happiness. Maybe a love interest for Luke? Holla!
Cay: The dynamic between Mouse and Alice is interesting – he just wants to settle down into their new, “stable” life, yet she’s determined to get revenge on Kate. It’s an interesting way to go to have them work from the inside at Arkham. I had originally assumed that they would escape immediately (note: I watch all the Arrowverse shows blissfully unaware of what happens in the source comics, so I’m basing this only on the storytelling on the show). I guess all good things must end as they are clearly leaving Arkham now!
Let us know your SASSY thoughts in the comment section below.
Batwoman airs Sunday nights at 8pm/7c on The CW and is available on the CW App the next day.