Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Roundtable: Zoey’s Extraordinary Dad
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is still making us laugh and cry each week. Roz, Karen and Ange (and occasionally Leah and Mel) will be covering the show each week to discuss the things that were Music To Our Ears and the things that were more Nails On A Chalkboard. Join us won’t you?
After hearing an ominous song, Zoey does everything in her power to stop something bad from happening.

(Photo by: James Dittiger/NBC)
Music To Our Ears
Roz: That last act was a masterpiece! I saw a video the other day with the cast and creator. They mentioned a seven-minute one-shot and to see “American Pie” broke me a second time. “Dream a Little Dream of Me” is a standard for many reasons, but to see it as one final song from Maggie to Mitch spoke of that deep love we’ve seen all season.
Karen: This was a perfect episode in almost every way. Gut-wrenching, emotionally charged, and poignantly perfect. The last musical number in particular. The best episode of the entire season in my opinion. I’ll be despondent if NBC decides not to renew. I have eagerly awaited each episode and the season finale surpassed my expectations by a mile.
Leah: To echo Karen this was a stellar episode from start to finish. It was the perfect mix of funny, Danny Michael Davis with his lines like, “I try not to look North.” to the completely devastating but so beautiful dance with Zoey and Mitch. I just loved it so much. Also can I say it is a good thing I’m in a not leaving the house, no make up quarantine position – because my eyes are puffy and red and I shouldn’t be seen by anyone.
Ange: I’m with you guys – such a fantastic episode from start to finish. We started off as entertaining in the first two acts with more fun musical numbers (is it bad that the “Jealous” number made me laugh?) and a classic Tobin moment. Then I was a wreck from the third act til the end. You know a show is good when it makes you feel and has you a tearful mess. I’m definitely going to need a season two!

(Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/NBC)
Nails On The Chalkboard
Roz: We went back to the trouble of Zoey and her men? I thought we had gone past that, but I guess we’re going to still see more of the fight between Simon and Max later (please there needs to be a later). I get that it compels Zoey to hear more heart songs, and confront her own feelings for both guys, but it’s dragging on and on when we have other things to worry about (like what is Joan going to do as CEO of the company).
Karen: I really can’t complain about anything. Truly.
Leah: I’m with Roz. My issues with this episode were all Max and Zoey related. I know a love triangle is the way to go with a TV show, but I just don’t like how we have so easily forgiven him for his completely childish behavior in the previous few episodes. I don’t know if I’m rooting for Simon necessarily but telling Simon he has nothing to be jealous of and then making out with Max later is…..it’s a choice.
Ange: Yeah, I’m not a fan of the triangle dragging on either.

(Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/NBC)
Roz: I started to cry at “Lullaby” and then broke down more with the last father-daughter dance and then “American Pie”.
Karen: Okay, the songs were AMAZING in this one. I don’t know how to pick a favorite. “Lullaby (Goodnight, Angel)” (Billy Joel) by the Clarke family, the “True Colors” (Cyndi Lauper) instrumental, and “All of Me” (John Legend) were my standouts. THE song to beat this week is definitely “American Pie” (Don McLean) by the entire cast. Truly breathtaking.
Ange: So many amazing performances this episode – “Lullaby”, “American Pie” and ESPECIALLY “True Colors” had all the tears! I also didn’t know prior to watching the episode that the “American Pie” number it was a 7-minute one take. Wow! I also enjoyed Mo’s “I Will Follow Him” number.
The cast performances from this episode are available here.*
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Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist airs Sunday at 9/8c on NBC.