Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Roundtable: Zoey’s Extraordinary Outburst
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is still making us laugh and cry each week. Roz and Leah (and occasionally Mel, Karen and Ange) will be covering the show each week to discuss the things that were Music To Our Ears and the things that were more Nails On A Chalkboard. Join us won’t you? (Leah’s life is a little busy right now so it might just be Roz sharing her thoughts.)
Zoey surprisingly finds herself getting into major conflict with Simon, Max, Mo and even Howie. Tensions arise at SPRQ Point when the fourth and sixth floors compete over an important piece of code. Mitch and Maggie try to celebrate their anniversary.
Music To Our Ears
Roz: Is it weird that Tobin is growing on me? I think he’s been such a good character, but he’s doing something here that makes me like him more. Maybe he’s not getting in Zoey’s way right now – which helped – but after Max and Leif’s actions this week and last, I would trust Tobin more in Zoey’s pod.
I also love that bringing in a rival for Joan can bring us an amazing number like “The Boy is Mine”, and what it says about how women are treated in an office. There shouldn’t be a reason for each floor to be against each other – but we as women are told we need to fear each other more often than not – so to see it in this way is real and fitting.
Props to Zoey for finally figuring out what has been making her so frustrated too. She’s been passive much of the series – except when Zoey sang all the songs – but she has so much to say that she tries to hide because of her powers. Not holding back now is great for her. She needs to stand up for herself!
Ange: Nope, not weird at all, Roz. I am totally here for this Tobin character development and also trust him more than Max and Leif at the moment! I’m also all for Zoey standing up for herself – this was a great episode for the women of this show standing up for themselves! As much as I don’t love Leif being a cartoony mustache twirling villain type character, I am intrigued to see how him moving to the sixth floor turns out…
Karen: Thirded. Tobin is kind of adorbs. And the power ladies was LITERALLY music to my ears. We need way more of that – and not just on TV. That being said, as much as I don’t like his character, Leif’s song was amazing this week. And having a reaction to his arc means good writing in my opinion.

(Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/NBC)
Nails On The Chalkboard
Roz: Can Max and Leif just stay on the Sixth floor now? I hate that Max turned his issues with Zoey against her as his means of being in a new job, but both these men are just trying to use something from another woman in their lives for something else. It’s cheap and I wish we didn’t have to see it, but I know we need to see Zoey stand stronger on her own now.
Ange: While Max had a point about not feeling so valued on the Fourth floor, his feelings seemed more personal than professional and him just licking his wounds this episode. As sad as the current state of their friendship makes me, I think this time out between Max and Zoey is what they need at the moment. I agree with Roz that we need to see Zoey stand strong on her own without having to lean on Max.
Karen: I’m super upset about Max’s attitude. I agree though, time out will be good for them. Personally, I don’t think Zoey needs either guy right now. It’s not like her life is complicated or anything…

(Photo by: Sergei Bachlakov/NBC)
Roz: Reprising “Mad World” was heartbreaking, but fitting for what I think Simon is going through.
Ange: The “Mad World” reprise, plus Mitch and Maggie’s rendition of Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” at the end definitely gave me the feels. “The Boy is Mine” number was fun to watch – I also wonder how long it took to nail that choreography!
Karen: I’ll have the unpopular opinion – I loved Leif’s version of “Let’s Stay Together” was gorge. A very close second was definitely “The Boy is Mine”. Nothing made me mad this episode – stellar performances all around.
The cast performances from this episode are available here.*
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Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist airs Sunday at 8/7c on NBC.