MANIFEST Roundtable: Icing Conditions
This week on Manifest’s season 2 finale:
Michaela and Ben put everything on the line to attempt a daring rescue. As the final hours of Zeke’s life approach, Saanvi and Vance make a last-ditch effort to appeal to the Major, who may be the only person who can save him from his Death Date.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: I feel like this goes to most everyone this week! Zeke and Saanvi keep up with being reckless and it’s sort of tired at this point.
Zeke for getting out of the car to follow his calling; Saanvi for poisoning the Major (WHUT EVEN?).
Cay: Definitely Saanvi going after the Major, but I’m not sure that I’m upset with the outcome. Her way of doing so was a bit comic-book villain-esque – poisoning her and then trying to get info for the antidote. I didn’t think she had it in her! Obviously she misjudged the Major and now she has to face the reality of what she has done.
Roz: No, I didn’t think Saanvi had it in her to actually kill the Major, but her storyline has been a steady decline in moral values so maybe it shouldn’t shock us anymore.
Roz: Weirdly I like that Zeke was able to survive, but I wonder how the hell it happened.
Cay: Yeah, it was hard to believe that they were actually going to kill him off, but once he died, I certainly wasn’t expecting him to come back! Wonder if Michaela will soon regret her vows “until death do we part” now that it seems less likely to happen soon.
Roz: I don’t want to see Michaela regret that decision to marry him at all, but I guess we’ll see what happens next season because that is one hell of a bait-and-switch by the show for a couple that have had issues all along.
Roz: What the hell is with the plane wing in Caribbean waters? I don’t see this as being a good thing next season.
Cay: I still don’t get the motivation of the Shadows to kidnap Cal. Did they really do it for the meth? The guy that was in charge seemed to realize he was part of something bigger. What is there role in everything? Are they just gone now, dead in the lake, never to be seen again?
Roz: Oh yeah, those guys seemed very cartoon villian-esque which is so many for a finale in my opinion. But what what the point of the kidnapping? I get that we need more mysteries to carry us into the next season, but who knows why that was one of them?
Your Thoughts:
Roz: This season felt tighter and wandered less, but I feel like the Major’s storyline was dropped to the detriment of everyone. Why was she even around trying to weaponize 828 passenger DNA when we lost her as a focus weeks ago?
Cay: Pulling the plane wing out of the ocean makes me wonder if we’re headed into LOST territory. If the plane really did go down, then are they in some purgatory? Are there multiple timelines/universes here? What plane landed?
The weapon idea from the Major is interesting. How does it relate to the plane? Did the plane get shot down by the government? So.many.questions!
Photos by: Heidi Gutman/Peter Kramer/NBC
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