MANIFEST Roundtable: Call Sign
This week on Manifest’s penultimate episode of season 2:
Ben is drawn to help absolve a passenger of his guilt, while Saanvi enlists help in protecting herself from the Major. Jared and Drea attempt to extract a confession from a trio of ruthless meth dealers who would do anything to exact revenge on Michaela.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: What is Saanvi’s obsession with her research going to do? Going to Vance’s wife seemed very ill-advised for someone who is trying to be quiet with her research after being fired.
Cay: I can’t believe the prison guards were dumb enough to fall for the old “officer, he’s having a seizure” routine, especially after they threatened another cop (Michaela) repeatedly!
Michaela’s cold feet seemed a bit off to me – we’re told he has two more days to live. She’s worried about can she just support him while he refuses treatment. It’s not like they are talking about months or years, we’re talking about a couple of days. The whole idea of the marriage is symbolic…unless of course he doesn’t die on his death date. Then, I hope she really meant her vows!
Roz: I really like TJ’s plan to go to Egypt and figure out the book from its source.
Cay: I liked watching Michaela, Drea, and Jared work as a team interrogating the shadows, as well as showing up at the wedding to help. I also thought it was particularly nice how supportive Jared was, even if he wasn’t able to handle watching them actually get married.
Roz: Michaela! What are you doing not thinking your family would be at risk for these methheads? I swear I could feel Cal being the target as everything with the wedding went on.

MANIFEST — “Call Sign” Episode 212 — Pictured: (l-r) Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone, Matt Long as Zeke Landon, Jim True-Frost as Rector Hynes — (Photo by: Giovanni Ruffino/NBC)
Cay: Saanvi just came off as really whiny in this episode, which grated on me. It’s not the first time, and obviously things are bad on her end, but I’d like to see her plotting instead of whining!
I assumed Michaela the target and not Cal, but Cal makes more sense based on his Callings, I agree.
Your Thoughts:
Roz: For a penultimate episode it felt flat. I feel like we’ve been gearing up for something bigger in this episode than we got.
Cay: Yeah, kind of the calm before the storm…and the storm started when they kidnapped Cal.
You can check out all of our previous Manifest coverage here.
Watch Manifest on Mondays at 10/9c on NBC!