MANIFEST: Airplane Bottles
This week on the 9th episode of Manifest season two:
As a storm rages outside the Stone home and anxieties boil over inside, Olive frantically searches for meaning in a centuries-old text. Meanwhile, Michaela faces unexpected scrutiny at work, and Zeke comes to Saanvi’s aid when her lab research takes a dangerous turn.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: I don’t get some of these larger mythos moments. The ship and seeing that the plane may have traveled back in time is interesting, but done in a way that is too literary for my tastes.
Cay: A storm only they could see and Cal wanting to build the mast of a boat was really dumb. It ended up interesting, but it was dumb.
And Saanvi was really dumb. I’m shocked [shocked!] that her experimentation went bad…thank goodness Alex was there to help. Somehow I doubt she will give it up, though. How is she able to keep up her research at the hospital, even on herself, when the Major stole all her old research and had someone break into her lab. How is she now unwatched?
Roz: When can we just stop watching Saanvi do stupid things to herself in the name of this cure? Now we know it’s pointless and will lead to madness, but I guess she needs to see it before Ben or someone else can save her.
Roz: I want to give Olive all the credit for keeping the house in order as everyone else dealt with that calling on the boat.
Cay: So the plane traveled back in time? That’s an interesting little tidbit that I wasn’t necessarily expecting. Silver dragon – I like it, I can imagine that to someone a few hundred years ago, a plane would be quite the sight!
Roz: Alex keeps coming back in a way that makes me more nervous for Saanvi. I get that we need another doctor around to help sort things, but man that drama is too much.
Cay: Michaela’s report on Jared did not turn out how I expected! It provides good tension, but it’s also frustrating to watch a character get railroaded when they definitely didn’t do anything to deserve it. These scenes weren’t quite as bad as the trial in A Series of Unfortunate Events, but still frustrating to watch!
Your Thoughts:
Roz: Why are there so many apples in the air right now? Xers who have spies everywhere (that won’t end well for Michaela right now) and more of this history lesson. Can we simplify just a few things?
Cay: So Michaela’s union rep is in with the Xers? I want more details on who they are versus the Major. We haven’t seen her in a while – what’s up with that? It would seem that Jared was not undercover, but something is going on with him and the boss. Yet, he clearly hasn’t gone over completely to the dark side or he wouldn’t have intercepted Michaela before the Xers could take her away.
Photo credits: Peter Kramer/NBC
You can check out all of our previous Manifest coverage here.
Watch Manifest on Mondays at 10/9c on NBC!